美国之音/392 days ago/
just now•••
#bitcoin #nocoiner
#Have Fun Staying Poor
just now•••
I'm watching old Nostr conferences, learning a lot, and discovering how amazing the community is. I love all of you (yes, homo) and I love Nostr.
7 hours ago•••
GM! #nostr #Bitcoin #coffeechain #plebchain #grownostr
Dan replied 4 minutes ago
25 minutes ago•••
good morning! 🧘🏻‍♀️
Dan replied 5 minutes ago
12 minutes ago•••
Dan replied 6 minutes ago
11 minutes ago•••
Good morning 🌻💜🫂 I almost forgot to say it after watching that infamous Trump video.
Dan replied 6 minutes ago
7 minutes ago•••
Real screenshot from Trump's insane video. They're going to export queer bellydancers to Gaza? I'm confused.
8 minutes ago•••
Free Spirit replied 8 minutes ago
9 minutes ago•••
Grande nprofile1qqsgkvshznxmeptsnl0k2tlp9fyp9ul4a3qv6cvfgfjk4h8fupdvmdctstned
1 hour ago•••
I usually don't really get findom. But given the perspective that a sub often wants to do something for Her, and the most "real" thing online would be moving money, I think I can better imagine the allure.
Little more clear, but still alien concept for me.
La Brunette replied 9 minutes ago
10 minutes ago•••
vezire replied 9 minutes ago
12 minutes ago•••
"I don't think we'll have a good monetary system again until we "tatach management out of the hands of governments. However, we will not be able to take it away from them with violence; all we can do is find a clever alternative that allows us to introduce something that they cannot stop"
Friedrich Hayek
23 minutes ago•••
GM. Rise and grind.
BujuX replied 15 minutes ago
16 minutes ago•••
Our national debt in the US is over 30 trillion dollars. Individual credit card debt is at ATH and students are leaving college shackled to debts most will never repay. The Bible says the borrower is slave to the lender, but there is one debt we should always have: love for one another. We owe it to God to love him and others as he loves us.
30 minutes ago•••
People dropping like flies at the moment 🤒
I’ve been shaking off an illness for 10 days now and a lot of my work stuff is getting rescheduled coz of flu.
When did we get such pants immune systems
Constantin replied 17 minutes ago
27 minutes ago•••
Gm family
Frederik Kjøll Iversen replied 18 minutes ago
392 days ago•••
中国网络观察:武汉封城 夹缝中的回忆
391 days ago•••
391 days ago•••
打的新冠毒疫苗后,多少中国人得白血病,多少随地倒的,每天各地到处都是办白事的。真正死得新冠毒死的没多少 打新冠毒疫苗死的遍地都是
391 days ago•••
制毒 放毒 制造毒疫苗 制造毒核酸 方仓 奴役百姓削减人口 免费毒疫苗免费核酸 都是百姓的医保里面付,套取医保基金 收割财富