npub1p8q...d85p/677 days ago/
5 hours ago•••
There can be enough space for men to be masculine and women to be feminine, without rejecting and ostracizing people who don’t vibe with either category. Embrace who you are. If someone rejects that, they can fuck off.
This is true for men in the context of (whichever type of) feminism that rejects masculinity. This is true for women in the face of being pressured to work (or being pressured into motherhood). It’s true for trans people in a world that denies their lived experience.
Indigenous cultures often acknowledge (and respect) an alternative way of identifying oneself, and neurobiological studies show significantly different brain activity and hormones in people who feel different inside vs out.
I have never experienced this feeling, and it would be arrogant to claim that I know much about it.
But I know what it feels like to be a man. It means confidence and standing tall, but that’s very different from abusing your power.
It means respecting (and protecting) the lives and experiences of people around me. It means respecting women’s power, and weakness. It means acknowledging my own strengths and flaws, ones that I share with many of my brothers. Being grounded in masculinity means holding space for the differences between us.
The culture war bullshit is, indeed, bullshit. And pendulums will always swing. But my hope is that, as we move closer to equilibrium, more of us will learn to abide in compassion, and become able to listen without immediately believing OR rejecting the views of those around us, and bring more Light into the lives of those around us. We’re all conditioned by our environment, and it can take immense effort to unravel that conditioning and experience the world for what it is.
I believe in human goodness - it’s why I Bitcoin. It’s why I’m here on Nostr.
But we have a long way to go.
Eric FJ replied 1 hour ago
4 hours ago•••
I know people aren’t fans of seeing X content on here, but this is too insane not to share… WTF is wrong with Europe? — “The dangers of A.I. are abstract for many people, but for me, they are very real.
In two weeks, I face years in prison because the government used an A.I. tool on a groupchat I was allegedly a member of and which was literally called "shitposting".
Their A.I. tool gave every message a 'toxicity score' and concluded most of the messages were toxic.
One of my alleged messages was "Some cultures are inferior, backwards cultures that still practice Female Genital Mutilation, for example". This message got a 100/100 toxicity score and 100/100 for sexism and 100/100 for racism. Yes, this was considered sexist by the A.I. (a punishable offence in Belgium)
Almost all of the messages the A.I. bot concluded to be 'toxic', are completely wrong. Every sentence that included "an African" was deemed racist, for example. Every sentence with "leftist tears" got 100/100 toxicity.
I (allegedly) quoted a black journalist who said something racist, but the A.I. bot does not understand this and attributed the quote to me, adding to the 'total toxicity score' that got me 1 year in jail and a 16.000 EUR fine.
There is no serious way to defend yourself against this, as the Public Prosecutor will use the 'Total Toxicity Score' as his 'evidence', instead of going over all the supposedly toxic quotes.
The Public Prosecutor's definition of 'shitposts' is also crazy: "Shitposts are deliberately insulting messages ment to provocate".
My appeal is next week.”
boston wine replied 4 hours ago
4 hours ago•••
This guy gets it 👇
5 hours ago•••
I'm long bitcoin because I'm long humanity.
5 hours ago•••
I'm long bitcoin because I'm long humanity.
6 hours ago•••
boston wine replied 5 hours ago
24 hours ago•••
The tragedy of the commons is not solved by a consensus on rulers. It is solved by a consensus on rules. When a king establishes order, it is only because his rules, which the monarchists have assented to follow, are simple and more functional than the prior order.
As an anarcho-capitalist, I assent firmly to the NAP. As a bitcoiner, I additionally assent to rules communicated and enforced in part by my Bitcoin node. These rules are enforced by rational actors on the Market who agree, as well as by actors who effectively agree, that is, who carry out actions that assist with the goal, even if they are not directly intending that same goal. They may be intending something similar or something else entirely, may have no concept of libertarian property rights.
Yes, even people who are not full-blown libertarians help to enforce the NAP even more than they carry out actions that work against it. The Market provides, and can lend itself to consensus on information, including information regarding property rights and property rules/contracts/ownership.
#MarketAnarchism #Agorism #AnarchoCapitalism #PropertyRights #Economics #PoliticalScience
calvadev⚡️ replied 13 hours ago
23 hours ago•••
🔥 Legend nprofile1qqsqyredyxhqn0e4ln0mvh0v79rchpr0taeg4vcvt64te4kssx5pc0smkyggq:
We’re still in the EARLY stages of a BULL MARKET. https://m.primal.net/PDXv.mov
calvadev⚡️ replied 13 hours ago
20 hours ago•••
Because I had to see this, so do you…(?)
Nah lol I’m not like that. It’s honestly cool AF abeit more than a bit frightening…
20 hours ago•••
boston wine replied 20 hours ago
21 hours ago•••
Getting back into martial arts (after more than a decade).
It feels amazing to reconnect with my body, and with old friends 🫂
#grownostr #proofofwork
35 hours ago•••
Early nostrich gets the gm!
Gm to you
And you
And you and you and you
boston wine replied 21 hours ago
23 hours ago•••
35 hours ago•••
Thoughts on passkeys? #asknostr
calvadev⚡️ replied 26 hours ago
26 hours ago•••
"The advent of the printing press inflated the supply of heretical arguments so dramatically that even the prospect of gruesome punishment ceased to deter would-be heretics."
#Bitcoin and #Nostr amplify that effect without constraint.
35 hours ago•••
boston wine replied 35 hours ago
2 days ago•••
boston wine replied 35 hours ago
2 days ago•••
Feeling such appreciation for Nostr and all the users here.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Simply being here and talking with each other is a small contribution to a better future.
Onward 🫡
boston wine replied 43 hours ago
44 hours ago•••
Good night ✌️🧡
boston wine replied 44 hours ago
2 days ago•••
AI-generated response regarding e-commerce returns:
"Returns as a whole are a huge source of waste in the e-commerce industry, with some studies suggesting that in the United States alone, upward of 5 billion pounds of returned goods end up in landfills every year. A significant portion of those returns come from online retail—Amazon being one of the largest players.
Why so much waste? Many returned products (often low-priced or lower-quality items) are deemed unworthy of inspection or refurbishing because the handling and restocking can cost more than the item is worth. That calculation leads retailers to offload or destroy surplus goods rather than reintegrate them into the supply chain.
Meanwhile, e-commerce’s volume—especially in platforms known for massive product catalogs and fast delivery—means there’s a lot of “trial shopping” and impulse buying. This results in higher-than-usual return rates. When the returned items are low-quality to begin with, they’re even less likely to be resold, compounding the waste problem."
We can do better.
Eric FJ replied 45 hours ago
677 days ago•••
你用的什么客户端?iOS的damus 可以在Profile-Edit-Bitcoin Lightning Tips 填上刚才的地址,其他客户端同理。然后就可以看见自己的帖子旁边有个神奇的闪电按钮了,别人可以点这个按钮给你打聪。