This trip down south has been full of situations that require immediate change of plans, including but not limited to:
Missed bus, missed flight, almost missed flights, wrong flight taking me to the middle of nowhere, running as fast as I can, visa, immigration service, shifting things around, finding a ride, finding a roof, finding some cash, getting ripped off, wishful thinking, the list goes on
My eyes are at time rolled towards the back of my brain but I went through all that with a smile on my face, as it’s merely the flip side of all the adventures, as well as part of the.
I’m now in El Salvador finally - the land of #Bitcoin for the very first time!
Can’t wait to join @AdoptingBitcoin and explore El Salvador!! Come to my panels and say hi if you are around - will be talking about applying bitcoin ethos for personal transformation - my gem!
Eternally grateful for the privilege to explore the beauty of earth and the magic on this planet 🔮
I’m a clumsy traveler, I know. Thank you universe for taking care of me, through synchronicity, serendipity, and side quests 🌿🙏🏼
Made my Uber driver download Wallet of Satoshi (he doesn’t already have it!) so I could tip him sats! Good karma continues!