55 days ago•••
Top 5 dad meals by category:
Breakfast: -Banana pancakes -Bacon, eggs, cubed potatoes -Biscuits and gravy -Oatmeal -Giant pancake
Lunch: -BLTs -PB&J -Cream cheese bagels and lox -Salami rollups -Deluxe seasonal sandwich
Dinner: -Steak, baked potato, and roasted cauliflower -Polenta bacon kale bowls -Baked chicken, roasted broccoli, diced potatoes -Crockpot pork ribs -Baked salmon, green beans, and quinoa
What are your easy go-to meals you can make for +4?
55 days ago•••
I can sincerely say that I have sang twinkle twinkle little star and rock-a-bye baby at least 10,000 times.
55 days ago•••
I am really starting to understand it’s not so much that people are actually stupid, but that they have been so thoroughly brainwashed and conditioned that the form of callowness in which they exist overrides all forms of thought so that the very idea of taking courageous action is fundamentally impossible.
It’s quite sad really.
56 days ago•••
Myspace < Myrelay
56 days ago•••
Having worked at and invested in number of ‘bitcoin’ companies, the great problem you will always deal with is fiat people, fiat policies, and fiat politics. While this isn’t a problem when the company is small, it becomes more acute with growth for various reasons until it pretty much becomes unbearable. Then it becomes a fiat company that just happens to do bitcoin stuff, and usually sacrifices the real ethos and values that started the company in the first place.
The only real solution is to build totally bitcoin-only (as in no touching fiat) ‘companies’—which there are very few, and as it becomes more successful, the harder it is to keep it that way.
The good news is that soon there will be more of these ‘companies’ if we can really call them that. Over the next epoch, these will provide some of the greatest opportunities (and risks) to build extraordinary new products and services for the whole world and will truly be ‘bitcoin-only’ services that will likely be real pieces of infrastructure of the future internet. These will also provide the greatest investment opportunities ever, as they will be ‘forever’ and ‘everywhere’ companies.
57 days ago•••
I honestly feel bad for anyone that fucks with bitcoin and thereby bitcoiners. The amount of full powered autism that gets directed at those individuals will absolutely crush them.