Jetty 🛀/384 days ago/
12 hours ago•••
Geniuses learn from everything and everyone Normies learn from their experiences Fools already have all the answers
14 hours ago•••
Focus on your craft, save in bitcoin
3 days ago•••
The road is long and narrow
4 days ago•••
God is in the details
4 days ago•••
Being spiritual doesn’t require rituals
5 days ago•••
Boos come from the cheap seats
6 days ago•••
6 days ago•••
Only good is real
6 days ago•••
Inflation is worse than you think, and Bitcoin is better than you know — Michael Saylor
6 days ago•••
Heal the root so the tree is stable
7 days ago•••
People who learn will always sound crazy to people who don’t
7 days ago•••
Satan don’t lie, kill, or destroy. He deceives
9 days ago•••
You are the carbon they want to reduce
10 days ago•••
Stop sacrificing today for some imaginary tomorrow
10 days ago•••
We can pray and long for miracles, but we can be a miracle for someone else right now
10 days ago•••
Comfort fasting to find your maximum potential
11 days ago•••
Trust is an action, faith is a belief system
11 days ago•••
Faith starts when logic ends
12 days ago•••
The enemy doesn’t need to destroy you if he can distract you
384 days ago•••
🇫🇷🏋️Allez, je dévoile ma playlist hebdomadaire en #Francais pour vous aider à naviguer le #Bitcoin 🤗🇫🇷
Lundi: On s'écoute un bon Podcast en Francais (Que du bon!): https://parlonsbitcoin.com/
Mardi: On va streamer quelques sats en direct sur Fountain (facile, facile): https://fountain.fm/show/igUS9EHCOv0I1pGgDuWC
Mercredi: Vous aimez le format "école" Bitcoin, super structuré pour avancer à votre niveau (hyper bien fait): https://planb.network/courses (YA TOUTES LES LANGUES BROO 🤯 )
Jeudi. Le Livre Blanc Bitcoin, pour les curieux+ puristes: https://bitcoin.org/files/bitcoin-paper/bitcoin_fr.pdf
Vendredi: Pour bien finir la semaine, on se rappelle 21 raisons pour lesquelles Bitcoin changera le monde: https://asi0.substack.com/p/21-raisons-pourquoi-bitcoin-sauvera
...Le weekend on se repose, passe du bon temps avec sa famille, on fait "semblant" d'être normal et on parle d'autre chose lol (on essaye! ok, on ESSAYE! 😅)
Hey psst! Rejoignez-nous sur Keet.io - 🇫🇷 Bitcoin en Français! (invite expires on 2024/3/23 15:05 UTC)
#Nostrfrench #french #francophone #ouioui #decouvrebitcoin #planbnetwork #planb #nostrfr