My life is very ordinary. I love my family, yes I’ve had experiences that are interesting, so have many of you I’m sure. Nothing is important without family , NOTHING ! Bitcoin is important only in the sense we all see its true value for our time and energy. Build real joy from living real experiences with family and loved ones. If you’re damaged by trauma allow yourself to heal. There is no one on this planet more important than you. You are everything . Whatever you feel is important for a moment but you can change that story. Break free and live the best life you can . Sounds ridiculously cheesy, and I’ve thought that myself but it’s true. I’ve lost friends on the way that didn’t believe it’s true but it is. 🤙
It’s interesting how knock off brands can be so good in terms of quality where the only thing missing is the logo.
I’m shocked that I just typed those words as that is not my typical experience when I buy anything on Amazon, but for clothing it’s absolutely true in these parts of the world.
Man … bought this high end mini itx case from Fractal, only to realize it has no filters and is a dust magnet. Sadly, magnet filters won’t stick so I had to tape some on both sides, but the way it’s designed you can’t put one on top and back is wide exposed.