2 hours ago•••
The aurora was so bright, it lit up the ground in green
2 hours ago•••
Nothing really special to see, just a chinchilla trying to balance on an orange
2 hours ago•••
2 hours ago•••
3 hours ago•••
3 hours ago•••
A graceful Lioness and her two cubs walking together in unison.
3 hours ago•••
10 hours ago•••
11 hours ago•••
An efficient and vicious microscopic hunter, the single-cell organism Lacrymaria olor, attacks and consumes another single-cell organism.
[📹 James Weiss]
11 hours ago•••
This amazing timelapse of asperitas clouds looks like waves in the sky.
[📹 Alex Schueth]
12 hours ago•••
Calm everyday life
While cats don't need sunlight to obtain vitamin D, it helps them regulate their body temperature.
[🎞️ AI]
12 hours ago•••
17 hours ago•••
Man in Indonesia captured exact moment a volcano erupted within its caldera
19 hours ago•••
Jon Call, built like a tank, moves like a ninja.
[📹 jujimufu]
19 hours ago•••
The menstrual cycle
1. Menstrual phase (0:00 - 0:07)
2. Follicular phase (0:08 - 0:15)
3. Ovulation phase (0:16 - 0:27)
4. Lutheal phase (0:28 - 0:33)
[📹 design_cells]