3 days ago•••
Nothing worse than seeing Bitcoin “podcasts” becoming scammer filled podcasts.
Coindesk is purely a grifting platform now.
3 days ago•••
Video from this weeks Bitcoin & the Bible Small Group is now online!
3 days ago•••
There very few things more exhilarating than preparing for a Bitcoin and the Bible small group 🫂
3 days ago•••
There very few things more exhilarating than preparing for a Bitcoin and the Bible small group 🫂
4 days ago•••
After hand coding my website from scratch in 5 days flat. I don’t think I can ever go back to a website builder 🫡
4 days ago•••
4 days ago•••
44 days ago•••
📰 Wir sind in der Presse! 📰
Heute ist ein Interview erschienen, in dem wir über unsere Bitcoin-Adoption und die Integration von Lightning-Zahlungen bei Delicious sprechen. 💬⚡
Ein riesiges Dankeschön an Beate Lammer für die Möglichkeit, unsere Geschichte und Vision zu teilen. 🙌
46 days ago•••
Übung macht bekanntlich den Meister 🤓😂
99 days ago•••
I said, whoever sold that bitcoin, your moms a hoe
104 days ago•••
Is anybody else freaking out? Just me?