npub1293...nr5k/758 days ago/
1 minute ago•••
this guy ships
14 minutes ago•••
Introducing AlgoRelay v0.2
Putting users back in control
The latest version of AlgoRelay now gives the ability for users to login with nostr and adjust their own algorithms and see the data the algorithm uses to make your feed.
You can try it out yourself at https://algo.utxo.one
HOW TO STR replied 1 minute ago
14 minutes ago•••
Introducing AlgoRelay v0.2
Putting users back in control
The latest version of AlgoRelay now gives the ability for users to login with nostr and adjust their own algorithms and see the data the algorithm uses to make your feed.
You can try it out yourself at https://algo.utxo.one
6e468422...ee93 replied 1 minute ago
20 minutes ago•••
Starting to get my ai agent to send me reports to my private nostr relay over wireguard. I’m working on feeding it data every morning from various sources: email, nostr notes mentioning damus, notedeck, jb55. It then summarizes whats happening and gives me my own daily nostr report. All local ai so completely private.
32e18276...e245 replied 2 minutes ago
5 minutes ago•••
isssaaa jokey jokeee
6 minutes ago•••
@ObjectiF MooN⚡️₿ you still here?
6 minutes ago•••
Presidio Bitcoin is officially here! 🫡
a home for bitcoin development in San Francisco
thanks to nprofile1qqswyru28qavtc2nvcgpc9sgae8n875t94uj2r8t9ddg4w4y899xulqprpmhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctvqythwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnxd46zuamf0ghxy6t6g28x32 for driving this vision to reality along with the generous support from Wences Casares and Mark Casey
and nprofile1qqsgydql3q4ka27d9wnlrmus4tvkrnc8ftc4h8h5fgyln54gl0a7dgspzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wvh8xmmrd9skcqgkwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8qunfd4skctnwv46qddtc35 nprofile1qqsra6eau98vt3yvd3xfl7qfprzpsctsa2ahfv4xwpd8mw0ejgkdv8spp3mhxue69uhkyunz9e5k7qg4waehxw309ajkgetw9ehx7um5wghxcctwvshatgpn nprofile1qqs9336p4f3sctdrtft2wlqaq5upjz9azpgylhfd3dplwf005mfrr9sprdmhxue69uhhyetvv9uju6rfva5xc6t8dp6x2u3wvdhk6qgcwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8xmn0wf6zuum0vd5kzmqfhynf4 for joining us for a conversation on our launch day 🚀
59 minutes ago•••
Hello friends. Sorry I have not been here lately. I think about y’all often.
I’ve been traveling non stop for work, moving, and I received some very worrisome news that has really been weighing on me.
Some of you might remember a few years ago when my mom had a major surgery that we thought would be her last to remove a tumor on her spine. Well, in a recent check up, they unfortunately found two spots on her brain.
Right now, they are unsure if it is related to the first tumor or not, or if they’re malignant or benign. We will find out more in April, which is not a fun wait if you could imagine.
Mom has been through hell and back and even stopped for a meal a few times, but she always comes back. She’s not worried in the least, which is great, but it’s still scary.
I’m trying to stay engaged with my friends online, fulfill obligations for work and The Space, and just make it. So if I’m slow to respond, that’s why, and I apologize. Feel free to bump me if I miss your message because I’ve missed a lot recently, and I guarantee it’s unintentional.
Keep mama in your thoughts and prayers please. We thought she was done with her various battles with her body, but it’s putting up a good fight. Luckily, she’s been putting up a better one.
6e468422...ee93 replied 7 minutes ago
15 minutes ago•••
i jus saw my first RILF
958b754a...e88c replied 8 minutes ago
18 minutes ago•••
who wants to learn Swahili...I'll teach you some words ...😏😏😊
24 minutes ago•••
Whoops we gave the wrong link to join our test program, please use this link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/io.coinos
We need to get at least 12 testers -- thanks everyone for helping us out!
34 minutes ago•••
604e96e0...9eb2 replied 26 minutes ago
26 minutes ago•••
Boa noite 👋 até amanhã,🥱
28 minutes ago•••
Still the best scene from Matrix, GFY! 🤣 https://v.nostr.build/4ZqsSWvpD8LZhTUO.mp4
36 minutes ago•••
Pulse v0.3.0 is released!
Account-less affiliate links for WordPress/Woocommerce stores, powered by @npub155m...dcvg
First it supported just lightning addresses. And now it also supports Nostr npubs as affiliate links. Though this does require access to an API that can bridge the gap between your store and Nostr relays. So we built that too! (https://github.com/pardus79/Nostr-Profile-API)
40 minutes ago•••
🌊 SURF 'N TURF 🏝️ -THE BITCOIN BORACAY ISLAND LIFE- “The Fibonacci Sequence turns out to be the Key to Understanding how Nature Designs... and is... a Part of the same Ubiquitous Music of the Spheres that Builds Harmony into Atoms, Molecules, Crystals, Shells, Suns and Galaxies and Makes the Universe Sing.”
~ Guy Murchie ~ ~ The Seven Mysteries of Life: An Exploration of Science and Philosophy
Art by Rafael Araujo
Credits Goes to the respective Author ✍️/ Photographer📸 🐇 🕳️
#Bitcoin #Freedom #Apocalypse #Music #Movies #Philosophy #Literature #dogstr #islands #scuba #marinelife #architecture
42 minutes ago•••
🌊 SURF 'N TURF 🏝️ -THE BITCOIN BORACAY ISLAND LIFE- Another 100 Words Every Adult Should Know. Credits Goes to the respective Author ✍️/ Photographer📸 🐇 🕳️
#Bitcoin #Freedom #Apocalypse #Music #Movies #Philosophy #Literature #dogstr #islands #scuba #marinelife #architecture
42 minutes ago•••
Coffee is in, time to "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" 🤣🚀🧨 https://v.nostr.build/hDVs1LWbVd3nztN0.mp4
43 minutes ago•••
🌊 SURF 'N TURF 🏝️ -THE BITCOIN BORACAY ISLAND LIFE- Constantinople (Istanbul), 1910 CEA hotel sign in the city displays inscriptions in Armenian, Greek, and Ottoman Turkish, reflecting the multilingual nature of the Ottoman capital.
The Ottoman Empire was home to a diverse linguistic landscape, but three primary languages—Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, and Persian—held the most influence, collectively known as Alsina-i Thalātha ("The Three Languages").
While these were widely used by educated Ottomans, minority communities freely spoke their own languages among themselves. However, any official communication with the government had to be conducted in Ottoman Turkish.© Ottoman Archives
Credits Goes to the respective Author ✍️/ Photographer📸 🐇 🕳️
#Bitcoin #Freedom #Apocalypse #Music #Movies #Philosophy #Literature #dogstr #islands #scuba #marinelife #architecture
758 days ago•••
hello back
481 days ago•••
Hello 🤗