Deleted Account/282 days ago/
1 minute ago•••
4 minutes ago•••
this guy ships
17 minutes ago•••
Introducing AlgoRelay v0.2
Putting users back in control
The latest version of AlgoRelay now gives the ability for users to login with nostr and adjust their own algorithms and see the data the algorithm uses to make your feed.
You can try it out yourself at https://algo.utxo.one
47cc100d...866a replied 4 minutes ago
7 minutes ago•••
Isn’t life just people seeking to meet on the mobius strip of singularity anyway
Yeah, that sounds like a call. Don’t say that. 🤣🤣🤣
31 minutes ago•••
Still the best scene from Matrix, GFY! 🤣 https://v.nostr.build/4ZqsSWvpD8LZhTUO.mp4
45 minutes ago•••
Coffee is in, time to "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" 🤣🚀🧨 https://v.nostr.build/hDVs1LWbVd3nztN0.mp4
50 minutes ago•••
54 minutes ago•••
Coffee (or cofefe) time! LFG!🚀
54 minutes ago•••
Coffee (or cofefe) time! LFG!🚀
1 hour ago•••
I actually could not love Bitcoin and Nostr anymore than i already do. GN 🫡
The Fishcake🐶🐾 replied 1 hour ago
1 hour ago•••
Today i rowed, did upper body, some leg work and various weird stretches. I supplemented that with shitposting on Nostr. I live in balance 🙏
1 hour ago•••
My feed is kinda ded, need to follow new plebs to get more info and pics flowing! Whom to follow? 🫂👀
1 hour ago•••
At some point Clint Eastwood will die. That’s my childhood gone
1 hour ago•••
GM, fine people of the nostr world! Are ya winning? 😂🫂💜🚀☕️☕️☕️
The Fishcake🐶🐾 replied 1 hour ago
1 hour ago•••
"Stay focused. Work hard. Earn more than you spend. Stack sats. Stay humble."
— Jack Ballers (@jackmallers)
Wise words from Jack—great clip below:
1 hour ago•••
I’m energised, we retraced and it feels like the good old times again. Pain lots of fucking pain. Bring more pain
1 hour ago•••
Americans voted for Trump because they want the BS over with. They want normality. Peace, prosperity and balance. Hopefully it starts to return but 200% it’s better than the transgender DEI criminal Pelosi Obama Clinton Warren blinken globalist neo Marxist dystopian BS we just had
2 hours ago•••
It’s so hard not to get drawn into this psyop goddam it !
2 hours ago•••
Boom over you little prick ! Corrupt Biden criminal regime is gone. Wake up
2 hours ago•••
Please don’t ever quote me what AI thinks on a subject, I’m not that f’ing braindead yet
282 days ago•••
Awesome feeling when we can cut out the noise of this world and focus on our own. 🤟🏼 Pilates, for all of the crap it receives, is amazing for the body. Good on ya. I'd join ya, but that'd be a long drive. 😂🤙🏼