2 hours ago•••
Jay replied 2 hours ago
3 hours ago•••
Jay replied 2 hours ago
4 hours ago•••
Good morning ✌️🧡
13 hours ago•••
Good night ✌️🧡
15 hours ago•••
#31days 24/31 another walk with podcasts.
Jay replied 15 hours ago
18 hours ago•••
Jay replied 17 hours ago
24 hours ago•••
Zaps generate an energy layer for the Nostr network.
Jay replied 21 hours ago
24 hours ago•••
Cashu tokens have less power projection capabilities compared to lightning transfers. So nutzaps should count for less than lightning zaps when measuring the energy content in a network.
24 hours ago•••
How large does a circlejerk need to be before it's classified as a sex cult?
25 hours ago•••
Small relays can trade off speed to focus on quality. Focusing on execution speed trades off flexibility/maintainability. Which, in a space where user preferences are constantly shifting, is a death sentence.
26 hours ago•••
I've started to zettelkast in obsidian and this is way better than shitposting on Nostr.
Jay replied 26 hours ago
28 hours ago•••
Good morning ✌️🧡
36 hours ago•••
#31days 22/31
Forgot to post earlier, but I took a light walk with some podcasts after dinner ✌️
37 hours ago•••
Good night ✌️🧡
39 hours ago•••
It's hard to control what gets off a relay, considering the events are discrete, self-contained packets. So more effort should be put into controlling what gets in.
If you really want to control what gets off, you'd need to serve decomposed notes to a trusting client to avoid actual signed notes from escaping.
And if you're serving private or monetized media it would need to be copy protected on the client.
40 hours ago•••
i should so go to sleep
Jay replied 40 hours ago
40 hours ago•••
You know, a free market of stablecoins is probably the best defense against CBDCs. Provided the banking cartels of the world don't pull a rabbit out of the hat to appropriate them all because they're all just banking on treasures maintaining their value.
So who knows? 😂
43 hours ago•••
I will be a ghibli bat for a day.
44 hours ago•••
Can one of you savvy people ghibli me?