226 days ago•••
Today history is being made..
Guy on linkedin wrote another Bitcoin-is-a-ponzi piece.
@npub1sfh...ymqt jumped in and got an HFSP tower rolling.
#linkedin #bitcoin #hfsp
42342239...db24 replied 226 days ago
233 days ago•••
Germany is retarded #bitcoin
288 days ago•••
In the difference between building trust and earning trust, lies the line that separates the charlatan from the honourable.
What should we make of the fact that policy makers and bureaucrats - in the face of completely shattered trust - pretend as if nothing has happened?
For instance, in Canada, nearly four out of five people do not believe the central bank will care about people's opinions. (they are 💯 right).
Trust is the currency of leadership. Without it, there is no leadership.
- John C. Maxwell
By definition then, these people are not real leaders. What are they then? They are fiat leaders.
You can find more trust numbers in the link https://underorion.se/en/posts/trust_and_centralbankers/
#bitcoin #harari #trust #wef
552 days ago•••
🇸🇪🏴 Svart Ekonomi avsnitt arton UTE NU!
Vi gör ett nyhetssvep:
- Finansdepartementets klipska råtta
- USA-inflationen & Lars Calmfors stagflation
- Norska byggarbetare misstänks för penningtvätt