My new family doctor is freaking out because because I have high cholesterol and are a "very high risk" of a heart attack.
Before my blood test results came in, he said my blood pressure, heart rate and breathing results were top notch and well above average.
It's kinda funny, sprinting every couple of weeks, being able to run a half marathon in <1:50:00, and working out 6 days/week for the last 25 years, a healthcare professional believes I'm a tickling time bomb.
nprofile1qqstzt0wugc7sklvr8e7fcl7ukyn63ym3ns4nmf2mnk0vqnz4l9x65qpp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezumtfv3jxc6twvuhx67tydeeju6nsqythwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytn5dacx2arg9e5kuen0te28kw other than your podcast with David Diamond, do you have any recommendations on material I could provide my doctor with?