219 days ago•••
What's going on with my #minibits wallet...? Is mint.minibits.cash fucked?
2efaa715...7331 replied 219 days ago
219 days ago•••
On Twitter, Bret Weinstein has floated the hypothesis that the "Biden absence" is a Honeypot for conspiracy theorist. Like the forged poor military records of George W Bush that got Dan Rather fired (but were probably real). His hypothesis is basically that enough red meat (no letterhead, weird signature, Kamala's awkward performances, zero public appearances, etc) was dangled so that those who question narratives can come out of the woodwork. Then, Biden reappears, quite "healthy" (relative to Biden's baseline), and those who questioned the weird hints look like fools.
2efaa715...7331 replied 219 days ago
220 days ago•••
Hello #unotest2 !
220 days ago•••
On #amethyst when I am following a tag, is there a way to temporarily filter one OUT of global? 90% of my notes are now #press :/
220 days ago•••
My favorite kinds of tests are #Test21
221 days ago•••
these are extremely good points. I was a little hasty elsewhere in the thread. i stand by the point that “SEO” is a poor reason to care about www subdomain, but cookies and some DNS niceties are valid points!
221 days ago•••
these are extremely good points. I was a little hasty elsewhere in the thread. i stand by the point that “SEO” is a poor reason to care about www subdomain, but cookies and some DNS niceties are valid points!