2 hours ago•••
Kind reminder to be in your word
2 hours ago•••
Perhaps you who pronounce my sentence are in greater fear than I who receive it — Giordano Bruno
14 hours ago•••
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit — Aristotle
14 hours ago•••
You fast, but satan does not eat. You labor fervently, but satan never sleeps. The only dimension with which you can outperform satan is by acquiring humility, for satan has no humility — Moses the Ethiopian
15 hours ago•••
The conscious person uses the world as a mirror to better understand and to master themself
The unconscious person attacks the mirror because they don’t realize it’s a mirror and they don’t like what they see
15 hours ago•••
Pleasure is a by-product, not a goal. Happiness must be our bridesmaid, not our bride
26 hours ago•••
It’s possible to have a good relationship with God without knowing who He is
44 hours ago•••
Hurt people hurt people, changed people change people
44 hours ago•••
Accept that you don’t have the capacity to understand everything
Have faith
45 hours ago•••
Recognize that there’s something greater than us, that can do greater things than all of us combined
2 days ago•••
Knowing the truth isn’t enough, you have to accept it with all your heart
2 days ago•••
The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts — Marcus Aurelius
2 days ago•••
You can’t fill a water bottle if you keep the cap on
c8adf82a...ee75 replied 2 days ago
2 days ago•••
Bitcoin solves money, but it doesn’t solve people’s actions with money