Hello. We have a new feature implemented, in #Alexandria, which might interest some of you.
We have revamped and expanded the index card menu. You now have the ability to display publication details (index metadata) on the cards, including book summaries, ISBNs, and links to the npub profile pages of the publishing npub and the author. (If the author has a npub and is referenced in the 'p' tag, as with
@npub1der...xzpc's book, below.)
This allows for publisher and author to share in the credit and the zaps, and to both be notified of interactions with the index.
You also have the ability to open an original URL-source of the publication (usually to a web page, PDF, LaTeX file etc.), even if the publication is also available in event form. Currently, it opens outside the app.
This opens up Alexandria to being a true library catalog of all publications, even those under copyright or where there is no digital version readily available. They can be referenced and interacted with, through the index cards, in a manner similar to GoodReads or other "book review" sites.
This will become more apparent, once we add things like kind 1111 comments, to the index events. For now, we're still revamping the parser and the table of contents, but they should be replaced #thoon. Thank you for your patience and support, while we rebuild, and may you have a good evening.