38 hours ago•••
💭 DIY hardware wallet / signer concept. Lol.
Simply existing during the turn of this century has placed us in a special group of power users. The future is full of them, but with generations of kids that never knew a life prior to technology they can't explain. Those that willingly participate will write history.
This is actually a game device released in 2001 called P-O-X. But it was an early example of what I'm on about.
The game focuses on creating and customizing creatures called "POX Infectors" and using them to battle against other POX Infectors. It includes both single-player and multiplayer modes and has a 30-foot (9 m) wireless connection range with IR - seen also in the Gameboy color and forward.
The game was available in three versions: Cycro, Plasmo, and Spino, each with their own advantages. In the single-player mode called Arena, players had to move around a maze-like level, fighting different POX along the way and collecting new body parts at the end of each level.
2 days ago•••
The numerator is infinite.
2 days ago•••
Thank God for #FOSS
2 days ago•••
Figma Plugin / ObsidianMD Plugin concept:
Connects to a synced ObsidianMD vault to a Figma project and displays a linked markdown note alongside a Figma artboard. Users could toggle to show/hide the document as needed. Comments from either file could integrate together.
Almost like presenter notes for slides. Sketch had this for a short time, only separate markdown files. Might have to just do it myself.
2 days ago•••
💭 Having a seat as a digital creative is quite a special place to be in today's world. My generation was the first to go from sober reality to ritualistic tendencies with daily carry devices.
Our intertwining with this, will not come with a sudden implant of a chip or corporate release. It's a slow drip on our lives over generations. Are we a new thing now? Surely we are different now, in this ever flowing evolution of change - but then what are we becoming?
Maintaining self sovereignty requires an intimate relationship with our devices, while preserving an analogue fallback. Society must not forget that we are humans first. ⚔️
2 days ago•••
🍻 #nostr here's to the second shift workers and graveyard hustlers. Sleep is for the weak.
#photography #beerstr #stayhumble #stacksats
2 days ago•••
Good Morning , Nostr!
We've got a lot to do today, I'm feeling good, the weather is beautiful - and I'm grateful for all of it. Hope you are too!
3 days ago•••
Last week I spent one morning playing the Repl.it Agent #LLM. Pretty awesome stuff. It took me maybe 3 hours time to go from a blank prompt to a self-hosted web application. The app is designed around a #BJJ gym; the concept is a member journal to track mat times, recorded rolls and private sessions, sauna sessions, or other custom workouts with notes. 🥋 ⚔️ 🧑‍💻
Features include:
- User Management, private invite codes and the ability to revoke access
- Gym Dashboard, showing public user highlights, leader board of stats, etc
- Timeline of Entries; each a markdown note, with comments, timestamped. Users can tag other members within the notes, and make custom hashtags to index or search entries.
I'd love to eventually integrate this into #nostr if possible in the future. Would love to hear any other recommendations.
#ai #replit #pwa #uxdesign #development
3 days ago•••
Cold wind and a slight mist didn't stop me today. Added roughly 3 walking miles to my stack for the month. My goal is 30 miles a month minimum. ⚔️ I'm behind, but intend to make it.
Oh. I also stacked sats today. 🫡
#marchwalkingchallenge #stayhumble #stacksats
4 days ago•••
45 minutes in the sauna. Let's do this.
🙏 ⚔️ 🫡 😅
4 days ago•••
"I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon—if I can. I seek opportunity—not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act for myself, to enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say, 'This I have done.' All this is what it means to be an American."
6 days ago•••
GM and Pura Vida, Nostr
A beautiful Sunday - a chilly morning with my coffee. But a smooth day ahead. A turnover today between BNB guests. Grocery haul and meal prep on the agenda.
I finally got the pellet smoker cleaned up the season - now that it's not quite as cold out. That gets me stoked. Plan on getting out to start the old #FordBronco II. Like all of us she needs to move and see some sunshine once in a while.
Then some rest and planning for the week ahead.
Cheers 🌞
#GM #PV #Nostr #beerstr #coffeechain
7 days ago•••
Find Solitude ⚔️🙏
#photography #nature #hiking #backpacking
7 days ago•••
Honoring a friend today that has moved from this life to the next. Too soon for my time.
Requiescant in Pace
8 days ago•••
Morning Nostr
Friday. No holds barred.
Measuring my productivity by impact, and not solely on getting things 'done'. Organized and prioritized is the goal, nothing is ever finished.
9 days ago•••
Religion isn’t inherently national because it’s rooted in personal beliefs, spiritual experiences, and metaphysical claims that transcend political boundaries. It’s a framework for meaning and morality that people adopt individually or culturally, not something tied to a nation-state by necessity. Money, though, gets tangled up with nations because it’s a practical tool for exchange and power, and those are things governments love to control.
Historically, money became national when states started minting coins or printing notes to standardize trade, tax people, and flex authority—like Rome with its denarius or modern countries with their dollars and euros. It’s less about money needing to be national and more about nations needing money to function. They enforce it through legal tender laws, central banks, and borders, tying it to their identity and sovereignty. Religion doesn’t need that kind of centralized muscle to exist; it spreads through ideas, not decrees.
Still, you could argue money doesn’t have to be national. But as long as nations hold power, they’ll keep money on a leash. Religion’s freer to roam because it’s not a threat to a government’s balance sheet. In a similar way to how I hold a belief in my heart, I also hold value in my brain.
9 days ago•••
Rise and Grind Nostr
What good are we doing today?
#coffeechain #photography #nostr
10 days ago•••
I think I purple and orange pilled my father.
Hey Dad 🫡😝
10 days ago•••
This note is meaningless, but nobody can stop me from posting it.