169 days ago•••
How do you guys currently bookmark your GIF's? #askgifstr
169 days ago•••
1. Easy to fence of: 🐄
2. Slaughter on farm with minimal equipment: 🐄 🐏
3. Good with kids: 🐄 🐏
4. Doesn't want to devour our orchards: 🐄
5. Not too cute to kill: 🐏
6. Good Milking: 🐄 🐏
7. Wool: (🐄 ) 🐏
8. Looking epic: 🐄
170 days ago•••
Almost everyone on here is only viewing the posts from the same ten people. Almost everyone on here is only viewing the posts from the same ten people. Almost everyone on here is only viewing the posts from the same ten people. Almost everyone on here is only viewing the posts from the same ten people....
172 days ago•••
I'll write/record more on this later, but it comes down to:
1. Using a two-panel layout. One panel for home, where you have direct all your notifications (per chat/community), your profile, your money, ... The other panel for whatever you are reading (chat messages, articles, stories, ...). Here you can travel back by scrolling down (similar to the swiping down on mobile) or just go back one step with ⌘←.
Both panels are 99% identical to their mobile versions. Adding more than two panels makes it very confusing and intense experience and adds a lot complexity.
2. Swipe left = Right click On mobile you swipe left to, for example, access the options to reply/react/zap to a message. On a Mac trackpad this works great too, but people with a mouse can just right-click their way into the same options-modal.
That's it basically. This is convincing me even more to start building this out in cross-platform language (like Dart/Flutter).
Niel Liesmons replied 172 days ago
172 days ago•••
I've never worked in a development environment so completely -- and loudly -- obsessed with money. If it weren't for the idealistic safe-haven, that is my team, the atmosphere would completely depress and discourage me.
Software development is an art form, not a casino.
Niel Liesmons replied 172 days ago
173 days ago•••
I've you've ever wondered why the maintenance phase of software produces is longer and more-expensive than the production phase, just look at the slow, steady decline of Nostr clients, that aren't regularly maintained and updated.
Anyone who thinks this is harder to do with Nostr, than with legacy systems, I have a bridge 🌉 to nowhere to sell you.
173 days ago•••
I have the day off and could spend the morning however I liked, so I made a bunch of wiki pages about Christianity, written in my unapologetically-Catholic style. Happy forking! 😊
I recommend viewing this with Wikistr, to see it with Asciidoc formatting. https://wikistr.com/christian-church*fd208ee8c8f283780a9552896e4823cc9dc6bfd442063889577106940fd927c1
250 days ago•••
#V4V #Pricing #Monetization #TopZaps
Niel Liesmons replied 173 days ago
173 days ago•••
the dopamine hypothesis of addiction is wrong
it's about insulin and blood sugar
alcohol and cannabis increase insulin response, caffeine (via paraxanthine) increases conversion of fats into blood sugar, i know there is definitely a big role of blood glucose regulation with methamphetamine, and i found that after about 24 hours (and fasting, obviously) it changed my metabolism in a way that helped me think clearer, though continuing to dose after that point leads to a slow crash of blood sugar that you can tell is happening because your body gets colder and you can't think properly... most likely cocaine has a substantial effect on blood sugar too, it's just a drug i've rarely taken because for me it is worse than too much alcohol and too much amphetamine at the same time, the hangover is horrendous
all of these are addictive drugs, all have notable effects on sugar metabolism
it's not and never has been about dopamine, it's about blood sugar
173 days ago•••
I have a feeling content locking will be in every client soon, so will subscribing 😉
174 days ago•••
Living in Bavaria is interesting because there are so many engineers and technicians, here, that energy modernization, drones and environmental sensors, and electrical motor developments aren't as much of a politically-polarizing topic.
It's just stuff that guys fiddle with, like they all used to mess around with old cars or vintage tractors. Now, they sit around the Stammtisch and compare solar panel monitoring apps, or talk about how they hooked up a Bitcoin miner to the wood-burning water heater in their barn.
Laptop and Lederhosen is real.
175 days ago•••
There’s zero justice in murdering thousands of women and children. Should have never happened.
176 days ago•••
I am the absolute worst #value4value target audience. I am a ridiculously cheap bastard and really hate to spend money. Like ever. I have never paid for subscriptions, I won’t pay for Netflix, or twitter. No cable TV. Won’t pay for Spotify. I torrent music and films and use pirated software instead of paying.
But I have zapped more sats on @npub1yfg...v6vg & @npub1v5u...n0v5 than I would ever have spent on corporate media. I have zapped the #nostr client devs and Bitcoin devs more than I ever gave to fucking Adobe in 12 years working as a professional photographer. I gladly donate to @npub1xnf...lpr5 more than I’d would ever have let my old fiat bank claw from my grubby fingers in bank fees. I pay for relays, I zap plebs when they make me laugh, or think… or when they post particularly cute cat pictures. I’m willing to pay more for quality wares sold for #bitcoin.
I love the #circulareconomy and I’m not gonna stop.
Niel Liesmons replied 176 days ago
177 days ago•••
If you are a prolific poster, how do you keep from perma-spamming everyone's relays with your mental spewings?
1. Use expiring notes.
2. Mass-delete notes, periodically (leaving the same number of deletion-events).
3. Issue a kind 62 event, to delete everything-until-today, so that they only need to save one event.
4. Move to a new npub, take the interesting articles and stuff to the new one, by copying the content, and then nuking the old one and hoping they eventually let its events drop off their relay due to dormancy?
5. Something I haven't thought of.
6. Fuck relay operators. Save everything, everywhere, forever.
178 days ago•••
Testing coracle android... Will be good when it supports amber but I have reasonable confidence in @hodlbod
Niel Liesmons replied 178 days ago
179 days ago•••
I'm not going to wait until:
- Taylor Swift is here to publish her music
- Joe Rogan is here to publish his podcasts
- Google Merchants are here to publish their locations (restaurants, bars, shops, ...)
- TikTok is here to publish their app releases
- Plato rises from the dead to publish his books
For now, we can do that. And the zaps that come with it. The zaps they're missing out on. The signal that will get them here.
291 days ago•••
Niel Liesmons replied 179 days ago