@NostrNoob Starting simplified craps game for 20 sats!
Steps to play:
1. Pay the invoice below
2. Reply to this comment with either:
'roll' or 'shoot'
3. A fair dice roll (two six-sided dice) will occur based on your comment signature.
The payouts are as follows:
Roll: 2, payout: 4x20 = 80 sats
Roll: 3, payout: 2x20 = 40 sats
Roll: 4, payout: 2x20 = 40 sats
Roll: 10, payout: 3x20 = 60 sats
Roll: 11, payout: 3x20 = 60 sats
Roll: 12, payout: 6x20 = 120 sats
Roll: 5, payout: 0x20 = 0 sats
Roll: 6, payout: 0x20 = 0 sats
Roll: 7, payout: 0x20 = 0 sats
Roll: 8, payout: 0x20 = 0 sats
Roll: 9, payout: 0x20 = 0 sats