43 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
New rabbit hole unlocked: decoding every emoji I see, looking for nuts πŸ˜‚σ …“σ …‘σ …£σ …˜σ …₯σ „²σ … σ „·σ „Άσ …€σ …•σ „³σ „Ίσ …Ÿσ …”σ „Έσ …‚σ …§σ …“σ …ͺσ …Ÿσ …¦σ „Όσ „’σ „‘σ … σ …’σ …žσ …σ …₯σ …’σ …‡σ …œσ …₯σ …‘σ …‡σ „Ίσ … σ …”σ „Έσ „½σ …₯σ …‰σ „’σ „Άσ …ͺσ …‘σ „³σ „©σ „³σ …‘σ …ˆσ …‚σ …šσ …’σ „’σ …œσ …₯σ …‰σ …ˆσ …†σ …šσ …“σ „’σ „Άσ „ σ …‰σ …ˆσ …ƒσ „²σ …Ÿσ …σ „Άσ … σ …ƒσ „±σ „²σ …σ „²σ …†σ „΄σ …§σ …ƒσ ……σ „Άσ „·σ …‰σ …ˆσ „³σ „³σ …Ÿσ „’σ „Άσ …˜σ „³σ „·σ „Άσ …ͺσ …•σ „΅σ „±σ „£σ …Šσ „·σ ……σ „€σ …‰σ …σ …Šσ …™σ „Ύσ „·σ …‚σ …™σ …Šσ …šσ „±σ „₯σ …‰σ …‡σ …‰σ …ͺσ „Ύσ …„σ …›σ „€σ …Šσ …„σ „±σ „€σ „Ώσ …„σ …Šσ …šσ „½σ …‡σ „Άσ …œσ „½σ …šσ „½σ „ σ …Šσ „·σ ……σ „‘σ „Ύσ …„σ …›σ „€σ „Ώσ …‡σ …Šσ …šσ …‰σ „’σ …‰σ …©σ …‰σ „’σ „Ύσ …šσ …‰σ …ͺσ …†σ …™σ „Ώσ …„σ „Ύσ …˜σ „½σ …σ „Ίσ …˜σ „Ώσ „΄σ …σ …ͺ󠄿󠄴󠅆󠅙󠄾󠄒󠅉󠄠󠅉󠅇󠄾󠅉󠄹󠅁󠄿󠄝󠄸σ „₯σ „±σ …ˆσ … σ „Ύσ …œσ …—σ …σ …–σ „Ήσ …‰σ „Άσ …ƒσ „Όσ „½σ „₯σ „Ύσ …‰σ „Ήσ …†σ …‘σ „·σ „’σ …„σ …€σ …”σ …“σ …˜σ …“σ … σ ……σ „£σ „Ώσ „³σ …§σ …–σ „Άσ …šσ „Ύσ „₯σ …‘σ „Ύσ …˜σ …‰σ …σ „Ίσ …˜σ …“σ „£σ …˜σ „±σ „½σ …šσ „½σ „₯σ „Ώσ …‡σ ……σ …§σ „½σ „·σ …‰σ „€σ „Ύσ „·σ ……σ „’σ „½σ „·σ „΅σ …©σ „½σ …‡σ „Ήσ …§σ „½σ …„σ …—σ …©σ …Šσ …‡σ „½σ „₯σ „Ώσ …„σ …‰σ „£σ „Ύσ „·σ „Ύσ …™σ …Šσ …šσ „²σ …™σ „Ύσ …„σ …‰σ „€σ „Ύσ …σ „Ήσ …©σ „½σ „·σ „Ήσ „₯σ …Šσ „΄σ …—σ „’σ „Ύσ …šσ …›σ …§σ …Šσ …‡σ …Šσ …™σ „Ύσ …‡σ ……σ „’σ „½σ …„σ ……σ …©σ …‰σ …σ …σ „’σ „½σ …ͺσ …σ …§σ „½σ „·σ „Άσ …šσ …‡σ „³σ „΅σ „΄σ …†σ …œσ …₯σ „Έσ …₯σ …σ „¨σ …§σ …™σ …‘σ „Ήσ …’σ …σ …Šσ „¦σ „΄σ „‘σ …—σ „Έσ „Ίσ „Ύσ „Ώσ „Έσ …“σ …žσ „΅σ …—σ …σ „€σ „±σ …‘σ …œσ …›σ …₯σ …ƒσ „±σ …›σ …‘σ „»σ „΄σ …—σ „Ώσ „Ίσ …˜σ …Šσ „Έσ „Ίσ …„σ …Šσ …‡σ „₯σ „ σ „Ήσ „·σ …Šσ …©σ …’σ „’σ „ σ …—σ …„σ …‡σ …œσ …₯σ …‘σ …‡σ „Ίσ … σ …”σ „Έσ „½
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
How the scold’s bridle silenced victims
[🎞️ Zack D. Films]
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
Did you know?
Eggs with green yolk do exist.
[🎞️ the_iubmb]
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
Fire glass is a type of tempered glass created specifically for gas fire pits and fireplaces. It's created to withstand high temperatures and will not melt, burn or discolor.
[πŸ“Ή Ben Uyeda]
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
bitcoin is following the same adoption curve as the Internet
the only difference, the Google's of this world, get to own direct access to the base protocol
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
In 1971, Soviet geologists working in Turkmenistan set a crater on fire to prevent the spread of methane gas, expecting it would burn for a few days.
The hole has since been burning for over 52 years and is know as The Door to Hell.
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
50 year old crystallized honey in a cellar in maras.
[πŸ“Ή gurme_diyar]
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
Boiled and grilled corn are the safest options for cats. Not only are they low in fat, but they keep most of the nutrients of natural corn.
While it's not recommended as regular food, it's a safe option as occasional treat.
2 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
Foolish fondlings.
3 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
He just laying on me and staring
3 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
3 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
I am at the point in life, where I need a floss pick, on me at all times