13 minutes ago•••
Keep your digital assets out of my fucking feed
13 minutes ago•••
Not even going to bother with the FUD this time around. Bullish on America, bullish on Bitcoin.
If you act against Bitcoin, you will be punished.
Just like the ETFs, they could try funny business, but I doubt they will. Bitcoin is simply better money. In ten years, concerns about shitcoins will be completely irrelevant.
2 hours ago•••
Anyone who works at Unchained - your retirement calculator is phenomenal, best in class. But could you add a feature to toggle portfolio balance into Bitcoin terms?
I don't really give a shit how many cuck bucks I could have in 2080, the number is basically meaningless.
3 hours ago•••
If enough people could reliably save, the State would collapse. Given that everything the State has is stolen, in order for the State to persist or grow, savings must either be outlawed (or at the very least heavily restricted) or the plunder of savings has to be so obscure that the populous doesn’t realize it’s happening. Are your houses and 401k’s reliable savings instruments?
16 hours ago•••
Starting to realize that it isn't natural for your phone and laptop to give you a headache when you look at them
19 hours ago•••
The analyst in me thinks I should give up and move on.
The romantic in me thinks I should make a sweeping gesture and try to carry a flame.
The Bitcoiner in me thinks I should be fiercely loyal and never give up, no matter how rough things look.
What says you?
20 hours ago•••
Wait, do other people not have strategic beef reserves?
29 hours ago•••
This winter is the end of what was a great period of life - I'm excited for summer.
270 days ago•••
I wonder what the people who built these older buildings were like ⛪️
271 days ago•••
Feeling so bullish today. Hard to explain. Things are beautiful.
272 days ago•••
A lot going on these days, but never forget to touch some grass ☀️
272 days ago•••
The world is beautiful 🌏