3 minutes ago•••
Got wood fired evaporator going early today. Sap was running great. Great steam plume here. 45 gal sap will make 1 gal maple syrup. Get those lightning wallets ready, sats for syrup in a couple weeks. 772 taps this year. All bags and buckets, no lines.
#bitcoin #circulareconomy
#permaculture #xmr
1 hour ago•••
Gm @QW
1 hour ago•••
GM nostr ☕ PV 💜
I went outside to take a picture of the sunrise, but decided to do a video instead so y'all could listen all the different birds I was hearing 🙂
If you turn up the volume and listen closely you can hear turkeys and a woodpecker in addition to a bunch of other birds 🦃
9 hours ago•••
I’ll be honest idk how I feel about all the bitcoin stuff lately. It’s nice to see plebs happy but also feels a bit wrong with the gov simping.
I have no hot take about it and my opinion is irrelevant anyway, bitcoin doesn’t care; just expressing that truly idk where this all goes.
It’s funny that the closer we get to euphoria the more that I question if it’s the “right” way. Then again there isn’t a “right” way, it’s just whatever way it happens.
But I’m probs not alone.
9 hours ago•••
gn nostr tomorrow is another beautiful day
11 hours ago•••
You can just change your profile name to Dan You can just take a selfie with a shoe on your head You can just say GM to @npub180c...h6w6 You can just celebrate your nostrversary You can just start a hell thread You can just...
13 hours ago•••
Making fun of each other is healthy.
13 hours ago•••
I love being an obstinate contrary mother fucker. Who's with me🤷🏻‍♂️?
13 hours ago•••
-.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. / .--- ..- ... - / ... . -. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / -. --- - . ... .-.-.-
16 hours ago•••
Why didn’t I buy an egg cooker machine before? They are so efficient and convenient. I’m impressed. #foodstr #eggs
17 hours ago•••
I'm in an odd mood tonight. Anyone else🤔?
23 hours ago•••
GM to everyone who remembers this book and ONLY them. I’m sorry.
23 hours ago•••
23 hours ago•••
Happy nprofile1qqs2m82zyqlayjqw5tjuf3j9jwszwuy2a03tq24xp0tmr4nxm2jmprgpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmqpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ezumt4w35ku7thv9kxcet59e3k7mgappp3w Fridays!
nprofile1qqstsw3gkljwt5stm9svt7htvcjlj4ffze4chkcyt4pxxj30xkgeg5qpzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejsz9rhwden5te0wfjkccte9e3x7ar9wch8xascp0q3a and I are looking forward to our show today at 5PM ET with nprofile1qqsgqke57uygxl0m8elstq26c4mq2erz3dvdtgxwswwvhdh0xcs04scpremhxue69uhhyetvv9ujucmpwd6kzmrrwfuhqar09ejxzar99uq3gamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wdckhg6fwd4jj7uhm9ss, nprofile1qqspcjc3fr04lh3scqz4plffm6jfdjawptusaavuztru540us6p5vdgpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqscamnwvaz7tmzwf3zu6t06arttt and nprofile1qqsy6sd8e0ym0algfpx32jv64y2pcule5wwrwewvt4trr7s705mr8nqpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsz9thwden5te0wfjkccte9ehx7um5wghxuaf0nlh3ck!
But first…. ☕️ #40GMW
25 hours ago•••
gm, its friday. My ceiling is leaking again ffs