16 minutes ago•••
We shouldn't stoping using paper, discs and cartridges just because there's cloud, apps and hard drives. I prefer my mangas and books in paper, and my games in discs and cartridges (without online validation), they are the best and only true ownership for this stuff. Digital ID and digital medic receipts is also trash, just another way of control by pushing spywares and bureaucracy. Certain things has the best use cases and can't be surpassed just because "muh it's technology", like how meal fried with fire and oil tastes better than those "fried" with airfryer.
1 hour ago•••
Forgot to add that the menu UI is overly minimalist and dull to look at, and I couldn't even tell if "Mind" is the attribute for spell slot or no.
2 hours ago•••
Se você não souber discernir com quem você pode ser legal, vais acabar pobre além de sozinho. Testemunhei um cara se oferencendo pra pagar sorvete pra umas crianças, afinal ele estava comprando sorvetes, os familiares favelados se prontaram pra explorar o cara e pediram cerveja e lanche , o cara teve que pagar. Pelo menos ganhei uma aula grátis.