The Bitcoin Painter/36 days ago/
1 minute ago•••
My friend just delivered a beautiful baby girl....😘🤗🤗🤗
Makes my ovaries start to jump 😂🙊
Baby fever 🥵🥵coming in hot
HOW TO STR replied just now
just now•••
THE BIGGEST SCAM: They tax your bag when you make it, tax it when you spend it, tax what you already own, then tax you when you die.
The system isn’t broken — it’s designed to keep you trapped.
3 minutes ago•••
It’s crazy how fake the food is in the US. The second ingredient in a bottle of Powerade is high fructose corn syrup. This is what athletes drink and drink people consume to sober up.
MAV21 replied 1 minute ago
1 minute ago•••
I think most people take for granted the amount of technological advancements we have made in the last 20 years. The next 20 will be even more impressive
Bullish on humanity
4 minutes ago•••
From the ashes it rises again
Nostr President replied 2 minutes ago
4 minutes ago•••
■ 流速計測 2025/03/01 13:40~13:50
[JP リレー] きりの川: 27 posts やぶみ川: 20 posts ほりべあ川: 欠測 かすてら川: 5 posts こじら川: 20 posts しの川: 4 posts
[GLOBAL リレー] きりの川(G): 25 posts のこたろ川(G): 欠測
■ 野洲田川定点観測所 https://nostr-hotter-site.vercel.app
HOW TO STR replied 3 minutes ago
4 minutes ago•••
5 minutes ago•••
What’s your favorite type of pizza? NYC style Detroit style Chicago style (deep or thin?) Tavern style Neopolitan style
23 minutes ago•••
I don't always understand why people expect others to do the "protecting" of privacy for us.
Yes, I agree that there should be standards and measures for privacy protection from institutions and businesses. Leave it to a few bad actors to ruin everything for the majority.
Ultimately, if you're truly concerned of your privacy on this day and age, use the available tools and be mindful of your surroundings and what you're willing to put out there.
"There is no freedom without privacy", blah blah, sounds like whining with expectations from everyone else to do the work for you so you don't have to change and make sacrifices.
Phil replied 6 minutes ago
8 minutes ago•••
Sand buries the road in Zulfi Nafud Al-Thuwairat, North west of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
9 minutes ago•••
Bitcoin price: $86585, Sats per USD: 1155
Nostr President replied 8 minutes ago
10 minutes ago•••
16 minutes ago•••
Can’t wait to say gm tomorrow
12 minutes ago•••
Nostr President replied 10 minutes ago
14 minutes ago•••
📊 Bitcoin-Update
- 💰 Price: $85914
- 📦 Blockheight: 885812
- ⌛ Mempool: 325164 TXs
- 💸 Fees: 4 sats/vByte
Orthodoxtr replied 14 minutes ago
17 minutes ago•••
It was never about the pot o gold….
It was always about the “Top of the Mornings” along the way.
QW #40GMW☕️ replied 15 minutes ago
1 hour ago•••
Any bros here dealt with knee pain? Any reccs?
g replied 16 minutes ago
10 hours ago•••
DO NOT zap this note.
Absolutely DO NOT reply to this note because I WILL Zap you.
And for the love of god, please do not zap others who reply to this Note. I would hate to create a #Zapathon in this thread.
Streebo replied 17 minutes ago
22 minutes ago•••
https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20250301/k10014736901000.html ネットの通話サービス「スカイプ(Skype)」ことし5月で終了へ 米マイクロソフト発表 | NHK | IT・ネット
マイクロソフトが、無料通話サービス「スカイプ」を5月に終了すると発表しました。 2003年設立のスカイプは、2011年にマイクロソフトに買収されました。 オンライン会議システムの普及で利用者が減少し、サービス終了に至ります。
Nostr President replied 20 minutes ago
24 minutes ago•••
🌊 SURF 'N TURF 🏝️ -THE BITCOIN BORACAY ISLAND LIFE- Wally Wood came up with an idea for a cover to the 1950s sci-fi magazine "Galaxy" showing a mother admonishing her young son's new pet. Wood's cover never made it to print, but 30 years later "Rocketeer" creator/artist Dave Stevens got permission from Wally to recreate his idea in the Stevens art style.
Credits Goes to the respective Author ✍️/ Photographer📸 🐇 🕳️
#Bitcoin #Freedom #Apocalypse #Music #Movies #Philosophy #Literature #dogstr #islands #scuba #marinelife #architecture
HOW TO STR replied 21 minutes ago
1 hour ago•••
Funny crocodile story 🐊
I asked our captain today if he sees many crocodiles.
He said ya, I used to have one as a “pet”. The croc would come by his dock post fishing and he would feed it fish scraps. Over time, he felt like they became friends.
One day, the croc stopped showing up..
A couple days later, he found out that someone was trying to sell his pet croc’s head to his neighbors! He recognized its face, and it pissed him off.
Our captain proceeded to shoot the croc snatcher’s car to retaliate.
A lawsuit ensued..
It’s yet to be seen if justice will be brought to this inter species relationship drama.
And now, the croc in this video does not have a name and our captain is trying not to become as close to it as he was with his recently passed friend.https://m.primal.net/PPTq.mov
Sarah⚡️ replied 21 minutes ago
36 days ago•••
The Fool
Finally to the major arcana. 21 cards to go!
16 days ago•••
I got the fool last night...Fun times!
16 days ago•••
Indeed! I just completed the set. I got 6 of Cups yesterday.
Very glad to be done with the set. It’ll be cool to pull cards that I drew
36 days ago•••
Yay 🎉 You’re getting closer. Happy to see, congrats 🎈
36 days ago•••
Thanks It’s been a good discipline and practice, the major arcana will definitely be fun to paint.
36 days ago•••
You’re welcome. ☺️ 🫂🙏
36 days ago•••
Getting there, that mysterious 50k zap got me motivated, was that you as Poumplemouse?
36 days ago•••
36 days ago•••
Haha The moose is loose!
36 days ago•••
One of my favorite cards
36 days ago•••
Sick 😮‍💨