High Heel King/119 days ago/
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 1 minute ago
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
Ferry to the South Island today.
Standby for live reports!
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 1 minute ago
1 minute agoβ€’β€’β€’
Just in case you don't know this site yet, but if you want to get brief and precise information about macroeconomic data, I recommend this one: https://tradingeconomics.com/calendar
#macro #economy #news
1 minute agoβ€’β€’β€’
🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩 https://cdn.nostrcheck.me/acb1e7b361d9bcf25437cd199f7dd5aeb86c35e256efbe46d78bb86d047564c8.mp4
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
Gm #nostr
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 3 minutes ago
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
πŸ‘‹ GM Nostr, have a lovely Friday! The 201st episode of Satoshi’s Plebs podcast is out now!
In this episode we ( nprofile1qqs8nrt397h8y97wskue2js2fyy7hw2qh54f993wwnr889tl62av9ccpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgqgjwaehxw309ac82unsd3jhqct89ejhxqg5waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t0m2hsa3 & nprofile1qqszlg893cjd30wh09970vsgqnf97lp8v8y4g7825nzrv4p4vjp574gpzdmhxue69uhk7enxvd5xz6tw9ec82c30qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj7qgmwaehxw309ahx7um5wghx7unpdenk2urfd3kzuer9wchs548j88 ) dive into the recent ups and downs of Bitcoin’s price and explore why volatility has been so pronounced lately. Throughout, we stress the importance of long-term conviction, highlighting dollar-cost averaging (DCA) as a strategy to keep stacking sats without the emotional roller coaster.
πŸ”Š Listen and boost us on Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/bi1b1hI54KKwd4gM8GoU 🎧 Listen on your favourite app: https://episodes.fm/1582341312 πŸ“œ See our back catalogue: satoshis-plebs.com/episodes
#Bitcoin #podcast #v4v #value4value #GM #Nostr #plebchain #zap #plebs #grownostr
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 4 minutes ago
55 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
GM #coffeechain β˜•πŸ˜Žσ …“σ …‘σ …£σ …˜σ …₯σ „²σ …Ÿσ „’σ „Άσ …€σ …”σ …σ …˜σ „ σ …”σ „Έσ „²σ …ͺσ „Ώσ …™σ „¨σ …¦σ …’σ …‡σ …œσ …₯σ …”σ „³σ „₯σ …šσ …’σ „’σ …œσ …₯σ …’σ „£σ „½σ …₯σ …‘σ …‡σ „©σ …˜σ …”σ …‡σ „Ύσ …ͺσ …‰σ …ˆσ …‚σ …˜σ …”σ „Ήσ „·σ …™σ …‰σ …‡σ …œσ „Ήσ „±σ „΅σ „©σ „¦σ „£σ …©σ …Ÿσ „΅σ „Ύσ …‡σ …¨σ …˜σ …“σ „Ήσ „Ώσ …›σ …‰σ …‡σ „΅σ „²σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ύσ „€σ …σ „΄σ „΅σ „₯σ „Ύσ …„σ …†σ …˜σ …Šσ „΄σ …σ …ͺσ „Ώσ „΄σ „²σ …™σ …Šσ „΄σ …σ „ σ „½σ …šσ ……σ „£σ „Ύσ …šσ …σ „’σ …‰σ …„σ …Šσ …˜σ …Šσ …„σ „Ήσ …©σ …Šσ „΄σ „±σ „£σ „Ύσ …„σ …—σ „’σ …Šσ …‡σ „Άσ …˜σ …‰σ …šσ „½σ „€σ …‰σ …„σ „Άσ …˜σ „Ύσ …„σ …σ …§σ „½σ …„σ …σ …ͺσ „Ώσ „΄σ „½σ „£σ „Ύσ …„σ …—σ …§σ „½σ „΄σ …˜σ …™σ „½σ …ͺσ „Ύσ …›σ „Ύσ „΄σ …σ „’σ „½σ …„σ „Ύσ …˜σ …‰σ „‘σ …—σ …˜σ „±σ „§σ …‘σ …¦σ …žσ …£σ …™σ …—σ …™σ „§σ …’σ „·σ …₯σ …₯σ …‘σ ……σ …€σ ……σ ……σ …Šσ „Ίσ …„σ …ˆσ …”σ „Ώσ …™σ „Ήσ „»σ „΄σ „₯σ …Šσ „‘σ …‚σ „₯󠄝󠄧󠄡󠅝󠄳󠅆󠅇σ „₯σ …§σ „ σ …‰σ …‡σ …ƒσ …šσ …‰σ …‡σ …†σ …‰σ „Ήσ „Έσ „΄σ „Έσ „½σ …€σ …©σ …ƒσ „ σ …˜σ …™σ …©σ „¦σ …’σ „Άσ „΅σ „¦σ …€σ …‘σ …‰σ …€σ „Όσ …™σ …†σ „±σ …‡σ …€σ „΅σ …–σ …€σ „»σ …˜σ …ƒσ „½σ …„σ …‡σ …©σ …ƒσ …€σ …‡σ „³σ …ƒσ …”σ „·σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ύσ …‰σ „Ήσ „Ύσ …ƒσ …—σ …Ÿσ …‘σ …¦σ …†σ …–σ „¨σ …‚σ …σ „§σ „σ …σ „Έσ „½σ „¨σ „’σ „»σ …₯σ …›σ …ͺ󠅂󠅕󠄧󠅛󠅝󠄒σ …₯σ „Ίσ „’σ …šσ …ƒσ …σ …£σ „Ήσ …•σ „₯σ „Έσ …œσ …™σ …†σ …‰σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ίσ …‰σ „Ήσ „Ώσ …‘σ „³σ „‘σ …σ …σ „’σ …’σ …σ „²σ …“σ „Έσ …‘σ …’σ „Ύσ …šσ …€σ …‡σ …σ …©σ „©σ „σ …¨σ …œσ …σ …σ …Šσ „²σ …§σ … σ …šσ … σ …σ „Όσ „²σ …“σ „Ίσ „¦σ …¦σ …Šσ …£σ …‘σ …‘σ … σ „·σ „Άσ …˜σ „²σ „·σ „Άσ …ͺσ …•σ „΅σ „±σ „€σ „½σ …šσ „½σ …§σ „Ύσ …„σ „΅σ „£σ „Ύσ …šσ …›σ …¨σ „Ύσ …ͺσ …‚σ …˜σ „Ύσ …ͺσ …˜σ …σ „½σ „΄σ …‰σ …ͺσ „Ύσ …šσ „²σ …™σ „Ύσ …šσ …›σ …ͺσ …‰σ …σ …‚σ …˜σ „Ώσ …„σ …œσ …šσ „Ώσ …„σ …‰σ „’σ „½σ …ͺσ …“σ „ σ …‰σ …„σ …›σ …ͺσ „½σ …‡σ …‰σ …¨σ …‰σ …ͺσ …“σ …ͺσ …Šσ „΄σ „²σ …™σ „Ύσ …šσ …›σ „€σ „Ώσ „΄σ „½σ „£σ …Šσ „·σ „΅σ …§σ „½σ …σ …σ …§σ „½σ …‡σ …Šσ …›σ …‰σ …‡σ „Ύσ …‰σ „Ήσ …σ „Ύσ …‘σ …žσ „·σ …‘σ …’σ „Έσ „¨σ „½σ …§σ „Ώσ …’σ „Άσ „Όσ „©σ „±σ …œσ …§σ …”σ „‘σ …•σ …§σ …™σ „³σ „Έσ „»σ …–σ „³σ …˜σ …‡σ …“σ „σ …‘σ „‘σ …–σ „Ώσ „Όσ …†σ „₯σ „±σ …‘σ …šσ …‚σ „·σ „Άσ …›σ …Ÿσ „’σ „Άσ …œσ …‡σ „³σ „²σ …‘σ …žσ …¦σ „Ώσ …€σ „¦σ „Έσ …’σ …›σ …‘σ „Όσ …σ „£σ …™σ …›σ „’σ …žσ …£σ …†σ „Όσ …žσ „Όσ …¦σ „₯σ …₯σ „‘σ „Ήσ …šσ …ƒσ …“σ „±σ „Όσ ……σ …σ …—σ …¨σ „³σ „ σ „₯σ „Ήσ …‡σ …ˆσ „·σ „Άσ …ͺσ …‡σ „³σ „³σ …–σ …‡σ …ƒσ „·σ …‚σ „’σ „£σ …–σ „©σ …©σ „₯σ …₯σ …‘σ …ˆσ …σ …©σ …šσ „Ίσ …ˆσ …Ÿσ …œσ „΅σ „Ώσ …ˆσ …Šσ …ͺσ „²σ …“σ …›σ …Šσ „ σ „Ύσ „±σ „Άσ …‘σ …ͺσ …ƒσ …€σ „¨σ …–σ „΅σ „£σ „’σ „Άσ …©σ …‡σ „³σ „±σ …’σ …‘σ „¨σ …¦σ „Ήσ „ σ …„σ …•σ …‚σ „¦σ …‡σ „§σ „Ύσ „σ …™σ „»σ …Ÿσ …σ „·σ „€σ „²σ „Ώσ „΅σ „Ώσ …“σ …ͺσ „Ήσ „»σ …—σ …‘σ „Ίσ …‚σ „²σ …•σ …›σ ……σ …™σ …’σ …‘σ …“σ „Έσ …—σ „¦σ …‚σ …˜σ …‰σ …‚σ „²σ …˜σ …“σ „£σ …˜σ „±σ …‰σ …ͺσ ……σ „‘σ …Šσ …‡σ …Šσ …›σ …Šσ …„σ …σ …¨σ „Ύσ „΄σ …“σ „‘σ „½σ „·σ …‚σ …šσ „½σ …„σ „Ύσ …›σ …Šσ „·σ …‚σ …˜σ „Ύσ …„σ „±σ „₯σ …‰σ …σ …Šσ …˜σ …‰σ „’σ …σ …§σ …Šσ …σ „Ήσ „₯σ „Ύσ …šσ …“σ „‘σ „½σ …šσ …—σ …ͺσ „Ύσ „·σ …‰σ „€σ „Ύσ …šσ …—σ „ σ …Šσ …šσ …σ …§σ „Ύσ …ͺσ „±σ „₯σ „Ύσ „·σ …‰σ „₯σ „Ύσ „·σ „΅σ „₯σ „Ύσ „΄σ ……σ „€σ …‰σ …šσ …‰σ „’σ …Šσ „·σ „Άσ …šσ …‡σ „³σ „΅σ „³σ „£σ „ σ „΄σ …†σ …¨σ …Ÿσ …ͺσ …ͺσ …‚σ …–σ „Άσ „Άσ „Ύσ …–σ „±σ „Έσ …˜σ „§σ …“σ …‡σ …žσ „΄σ …™σ …™σ …™σ …†σ „΄σ …Ÿσ …σ …žσ …“σ …œσ „Άσ …”σ „Ήσ „·σ …Ÿσ …Ÿσ „¦σ …žσ …šσ …žσ … σ …˜σ …Šσ „»σ „Ύσ …˜σ …Šσ …†σ …—σ …—σ …©σ …†σ …¨σ …‚σ …ͺ󠅅󠅁󠅀σ „₯σ …Šσ „»σ …σ „¦σ …›σ „³σ „Ήσ „©σ …€σ „€σ „Ήσ …σ „Άσ „·σ „Άσ …σ …₯σ …ˆσ „Ήσ …Ÿσ „Όσ „±σ „ σ „‘σ …ˆσ …£σ …†σ „΄σ „Ήσ „Ύσ ……σ „±σ …€σ …†σ …˜σ …“σ „‘σ …—σ …—σ …€σ …”σ …¨σ …’σ …–σ …”σ „₯σ …ˆσ …›σ …™σ „²σ …€σ …¨σ …ƒσ …¨σ „Ήσ …Šσ …•σ ……σ …›σ …£σ „©σ …Ÿσ …‘σ „σ …˜σ „¨σ …™σ …šσ „Ώσ …€σ …’σ „¨σ „§σ …‘σ …¨σ …’σ „Ίσ …‚σ …‘σ „’σ „΅σ … σ …˜σ …“σ …œσ …—σ …—σ „΄σ „±σ …₯󠅆󠅁󠄹󠄹󠅔󠄲󠅒σ „₯󠄧󠄧󠅀󠅁󠅑󠄩󠄢󠅑󠅨󠅅󠄀󠄱󠄒󠄺σ …₯σ „₯σ „¦σ …—σ „»σ … σ …—σ …„σ …©σ …‚σ „¦σ …˜σ „‘σ …σ „¨σ …¦σ …£σ ……
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 4 minutes ago
54 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 4 minutes ago
48 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
GM πŸ˜˜πŸŒ…
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 5 minutes ago
44 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 5 minutes ago
42 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
Good morning! πŸŒ»πŸ’œπŸ«‚ Happy Friday!
🎢 Tom’s Dinner https://tidal.com/track/35687932?u
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 5 minutes ago
39 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
GM nostr β˜• PV πŸ’œ
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 5 minutes ago
28 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
GM and pv let's get this Friday bread frens πŸŒ„πŸ’œβ˜•πŸ«‚
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 6 minutes ago
14 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
GM nostr hi there
Frogfren17 ⚑️🐸 replied 13 minutes ago
14 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
I have marked in red all the states that are waging a passive war against Russia, have cut off Russian cheap gas and destroyed their nuclear sector at the same time. If I've read this correctly, Spain is likely to join them in the next five years and also declare war on nuclear power - we have the stupidest population in the world here in Europe!
#germany #spain #europe #EU #Russia #nostr
30 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
Good morning, pervs! Don't forget to show some love for muscle babes! Unfortunately, only buff dudes from the gym can make a compliment and admire a fitness freak like me but I wish normal guys would do it too. I like to think that they're intimidated when sober because, after a few beers, they seem to be very verbal. But I wish I had a guy to adore my body for at least an hour, especially today when I'm tired as fuck. 13 days of gym with no break, plus some days with extra running in the park, started to feel in my body. Not to mention that I'm not younger anymore. Anyway, have a beautiful weekend! My weekend will be with no gym but with booze and relaxation. πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹
La Brunette replied 15 minutes ago
19 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
nprofile1qqsyvrp9u6p0mfur9dfdru3d853tx9mdjuhkphxuxgfwmryja7zsvhqpzamhxue69uhhv6t5daezumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcscpyug I still can't block anyone with amethyst. I need to go to primal, block them there, and then I see them vanish on amethyst.
Am I doing it wrong? I'm using Amber, see no events when I press mute.
119 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
I have looked at the website twice. One day I'll give it a proper download.
119 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
Definitely recommend giving it a try. Taproot miniscript feels like a superpower.