Its quite interesting to see theoretical concepts play out in front of you to truly understand them. Trying to explain cantillon effect in Costa Rica is becoming easier as north Americans buy all the land up and drive prices high enough that locals have to look further inland.
And yeah, I realise how harsh a statement that is on the ground but seriously, the scam of Fiat really is so in your face that if not seeing it still, am wondering what it takes.
Today will be interesting. Talk to bank A and see if I can also have a USD account there as that is how I get paid for my fiat work.
I already asked bank B if I can simply get paid direct to my accounts there but it's variable income with international payment and Costa Rica banks don't like that so the answer I got was so convoluted, Essentially a no.
Then wait for my call from my passthrough bank and explain that no, I will not tell you my ney worth, list all my properties, international assets and investments and answer all the other invasive Orwellian questions you asked in the disgusting email you sent me.
Let's see if it getting de-banked day one week before iam supposed to get paid! Really need to be able to switch 100% bitcoin standard, this dystopian thing is getting a little time consuming fory liking!
@npub1el3...l27r bumped into a chap in Guatemala who’s a ranger and trying to do Jaguar conservation stuff. They’re really not clued up on anything about what to do to try raise funds, use jaguar sighting for tourism etc. basically been doing stuff to help them and put water out as they have drought issues and realised now has places to guarantee people seeing them but doesn’t know how to monetise to get funds to expand efforts. I know you are involved in lion stuff. Is this something you might be interested in trying to help with? Was just random thought
If the state uses inflation to make the population the patsy for cancellation of its debts, is it correct to regard the nation as having a functional legal system? Surely one of the fundamental bases of a legal system is to uphold contractual obligations! 🤔
Boss move for any bitcoiners who decided to play the Trump pump n dump shitcoin script would be to sell to btc and donate half the profits to open sats. In fact, if this degeneracy continues, be nice to see some good traders (you know, the 0.00000000000132% of people who try) do just that!
So Guatemalan riads.... But then I realised, it's not just Guatemala. You just notice it more here. I asked the locals why so many speed bumps? Cause the mitorbikes and cars don't slow down in towns.
That's true but it's not the reason for their placement. The true reason is as soon as a road is built, the people build the town around the road so it's slowing down transport.
Net result: more accidents, more noise, less good sleep, pollution causing health impact , increased vehicle wear, constant jarring of lower back, increased fuel use, and obviously massive impact on trade as all journey times here are double what they should be.
But it really isn't just Guatemala. Why not adjacent to road with entrances to settlements? Are humans just inherently short sighted?
Bitcoiner mentality. Sitting down drinking an afternoon coffee at the edge of the lake in front of a sign warning of dangerous wildlife. In the background, what should be the platform to go out and enjoy sunset which, along with the fire pit out of frame in the photo, is very much under water.
Only thought that came to mind was “what an amazing metaphor for current state of the Fiat system”