17 minutes ago•••
I have a theory
The only people that opt for bits over sats are the ones who have an ungodly amount of corn
An when priced in sats, their number looks bigger than the US National Debt Clock
1 hour ago•••
2 hours ago•••
Okay, when did something so fundamentally break on the web between the days of weblogs and RSS 0.90—where the element was the only mandatory field—and today’s social media platforms (like LinkedIn, X and Instagram), where setting an external link is penalized by algorithms?
Honestly, the first social medium on the internet, namely weblogs, were purely link-sharing platforms. People surfed the web and referred to cool websites they had found, usually with a short introduction or comment. But the primary goal was linking.
Today, we mainly peddle content to foreign servers that are operated at the mercy of others, and we are penalized if we dare to set an external link. Today, you can be grateful if the platform allows you to place a link to your website on your profile page.
It’s like a Stockholm syndrome in a hostage situation of a walled garden. Stockholm syndrome, because a bunch of clowns proudly report on how to crawl up these algorithm's backside.
What has gone so terribly wrong with the users of the WWW in the last 26 years? I dare to guess that humanity was and still is not ready for true self-sovereign information exchange. Not yet ready for the real web that Tim Berners-Lee envisioned.
After all, he had intentionally addressed scientists back then. So, intelligent people. Not plebs like us.
3 hours ago•••
The heart and soul are subject to the laws of quantum entanglement
3 hours ago•••
The FML License plate
5 hours ago•••
🤡🌍🌎🌏 conditioned to you to follow the "do as I say, and not as I do" way of living
That's why when people tell you exactly what thteyre going to do and do it exactly how they said they would
You don't believe them and think they're up to something nefarious
Unit of a Count replied 5 hours ago
5 hours ago•••
The global economy is so strong and resilient all it takes is one tweet to wipe out trillions of $$$ value
5 hours ago•••
"The ends justify the means" people only see people as chess peices
How they move around the board depends how they are used and potentially sacrificed
5 hours ago•••
Politics is all about placing strategic assets into powerful and influencal positions of power
The side that does this the best wins
It's political chess
6 hours ago•••
Big violent drops are designed to scare the shit out of the Bitcoin wealthy and fiat poor
6 hours ago•••
The greatest macro social experiment ever tested on the human race is #Bitcoin and it's NO Compromise Momentary Policy
Satoshi is watching and taking notes 📝
6 hours ago•••
The best money and state power is the intersection of fraud and corruption
Nothing changes
6 hours ago•••
When you think of USD, think United States Dependant
10 hours ago•••
I posted two notes with embedded nuts yesterday and both of those nuts are still available. I am disappointed.
10 hours ago•••
Good morning and pura vida, Nostr! It's time to create notes and send zaps! 🫂🤙🏻💜
If you're the go-to tech support for your family, give yourself a pat on the back today. It might be frustrating at times, but not everyone has your skills. Keep being the tech hero they need! Someday soon, you'll also be their freedom technology advocate (if not already).
21 hours ago•••
Fuck. I wish I had fiat. Congratulations to those stacking right now.
23 hours ago•••
The amount of $$$ value we #bitcoin ers see appear and disappear on a regular basis is fucking mental
Almost bipolar
25 hours ago•••
And what they won't tell you: They will apply it first to those receiving state aid. Because they have no choice. If you want to receive social benefits, you have to participate in CBDC. And let yourself be controlled and "guided." Once most stores have been upgraded with the right payment systems, the rest of the population can also enjoy the conveniences of CBDC.
By the way, many single parents (most of them being female) receive social assistance. Disconnect them from men through years of feminist propaganda, drive them into the arms of the state, and handcuff them with CBDCs. This is how the circle closes. Kevin Samuel's quote "Women have lost the gender wars" becomes true more and more.
I hope, you've stacked enough Sats. And I hope the circular Bitcoin economy is up by then.
25 hours ago•••
If #bitcoin retest 69k, it's a middle finger to all the plebs that held thru last cycle
No one should ever be allowed to get a bite at that 🍎