In the passt I asked myself why so few leftists understand Bitcoin.
Satisfactory answer is that they don’t understand economics
Now I ask myself why so many bitcoiners are so far right? You could say“freedom“ but the right wants „freedom for me not for thee“
I’m yet to find a satisfactory answer
LMFAO 😂. My dude … IF I wanted to see Jack his entire schedule is online … I can’t see him. That’s the point. He was like a spark 🔥 in my life … a friend … then gone. Sometimes we don’t always get people back the way we want. It’s been years. It’s good like this & probably best for we’ve gone he and I never see one another again. He’s fun to troll online but .., that’s about it. I do genuinely want the best for him and the world .., and I’m
Not it. Not for him, he’s a machine. Ima spiritual woo … do whatever type …
The fact we even met at various times in our life just shows how fucked the universe is 🤣🤣🤣
严格来说,农历属于阴阳历 (lunisolar calendar),不是纯粹的阴历 (lunar calendar) 如伊斯兰历、爪哇历,也不是纯粹的阳历 (solar calendar) 如格里历、儒略历。佛历、希伯来历、藏历、蒙古历等也属于阴阳历。所以,Spring Festival或Chinese calendar New Year较Lunar New Year更为严谨,而Chinese New Year则狭隘。自己叫习惯了Chinese New Year无所谓,这是表达习惯问题,且各国春节习俗都很不一样,但如果去搞义和团那就是傻逼了。
Me pareceu uma mensagem sincera dela, e caso seja mesmo, é legal ver a pessoa atingir um novo nível de visão do mundo. Eu acho legal depoimentos de sucesso sinceros assim, motiva as pessoas a focarem, independente das habilidades de cada um 😅