Former NATO press spokesman Jens Stultumberg will take up his new position as press spokesman for the Munich Security Conference (MSC) next year.
The Munich Security Conference is an annual meeting of politicians, military officers and businessmen where they tell each other how important world peace is while simultaneously selling weapons and fomenting conflict. Simply put: a large gathering of people who consider themselves security conscious, but are mostly only interested in protecting their own interests and business.
As a German, I can finally imagine how it must have felt for outsiders when they saw what the National Socialists said and did. And how powerless one feels in the face of such great injustice.
This picture is a screenshot from "Forbes". It tracks the change in fortunes of the "richest" people. The average change in both directions is about $. Per day.
If I use an average hourly wage of 30 $ and an average of working 2.000 hours per year, it would take 50.000 years to earn three billion Dollars. Without taxes and expenses.
RT has published a very interesting website. On it you can watch videos of Vladimir Putin's speeches. These videos were translated into English using AI. The language, voice and lip movements were adjusted.
Nachdem England mit der Industrialisierung begonnen hatte, hatten sie auf diesem Gebiet einen Vorsprung gegenüber anderen Staaten.
Als Deutschland nach Jahrzehnten des Rückstandes sehr schnell aufholte, war England darüber besorgt, dass Importe aus Deutschland die eigene Produktion gefährden könnten - sowohl was den Preis als auch was die Qualität anging. Deswegen wollte England die deutschen Produkte markieren, um darauf hinzuweisen, dass es Produkte minderer Qualität wären. Das ist der Ursprung von "Made in Germany".
Ironischerweise hat das genau das Gegenteil bewirkt, in dem es zu einem Siegel für Qualität wurde.
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass Deutschland heute genau das gleiche mit China versucht.
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Good morning and pura vida, Nostr! It's time to create notes and send zaps! 🫂💜🤙🏻
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