1 hour ago•••
Might actually end up beneficial that this admin will leave us Bitcoiners alone while wasting state resources and time on shitcoins. Accelerate the end of the nation state largesse and power.
6 hours ago•••
This BS all morning with a resulting haze filling the sky all afternoon and the onset of 30-40 mph winds for the next 72 hours. I don’t have all the answers. I don’t have the causality. I don’t know anything about weather. I do want to know why they are doing this (there is a reason or they wouldn’t be doing this). And I want to understand what that why does to our weather. Why can this not be talked about?
11 hours ago•••
Utterly insane what they are doing to our skies today. How is this allowed?
29 hours ago•••
37 hours ago•••
The market still has no idea what #Bitcoin really is. Traders are trying to gamble on news, announcements, and all sorts of other irrelevant nonsense because they want more fiat. There is tightening dollar liquidity right now, and anyone that can exchange actual dollars for bitcoin today will be set up for a much better future. Take advantage while you still can, and enjoy the market ignorance. You have the alpha.
38 hours ago•••
An hour block to start the day. I thought my block clock was broken 😂
2 days ago•••
Every day this admin is doing 50% amazing things and 50% absolute nonsense. Gonna be the most insane 4 years ever.
2 days ago•••
This is easily the most alive I have seen #Nostr since joining over two years ago. So bullish. LFG.
3 days ago•••
Man is it awesome seeing #nostr grow. I can’t believe how many new and awesome people are joining. Welcome everyone. Embrace the imperfectness of the protocol and stick around long enough to watch it turn into the most amazing foundation for communication that you’ve ever seen.
3 days ago•••
While this is great, it exposes how corrupt the entire system is. The reality is, we are at the whims of whatever regime is in charge. It’s why elections have become so intense and aggressive. The power that is gained is insane. It’s system wide, and centralizing more and more because of fiat money. The system has to be completely deconstructed. The similarities of why we use #nostr and why the federal govt cannot be a functioning system for our benefit should be obvious for anyone with two brain cells to rub together.
4 days ago•••
Assange. Ross. Let’s get Snowden back.
4 days ago•••
I will say Trump kept his word on Ross. Don’t at me with stupid semantics arguments. That doesn’t change the fact that he’s a shitcoining dollar maxi. Not everything is black and white.
5 days ago•••
$113MM of pure shitcoins purchased day 1. These people are not your friends and they couldn’t care less about #bitcoin . These are fiat grifters through and through. Instead of corruption, payoffs, and military coups, this admin is going to directly scam unknowing people instead. Careful what you wish for.
5 days ago•••
They are going to try to co-opt #bitcoin Do you get it now? So-called Bitcoiners can be useful idiots just like young, impressionable college kids. Run your own node, enforce the network, and ensure these stage actors don’t usher in the digital equivalent of fiat money. We are gonna win, but we are gonna have to earn it. Onward.
5 days ago•••
Didn’t realize the Fauci pardon went back to 2014. The lynchpin of evil, coverups media coverage, payoffs, coups, mysterious deaths, etc comes down to bioweapon experimentation by the U.S. govt. Ukraine was a huge part of that. Wonder what happened there in 2014. Absolutely everyone involved with this stuff should be hanged and they know it. Fauci may be allowed to be taken down for his AIDS mishandling or something else to pacify the public, but under no circumstances will the bioweapon research and use be allowed to come to light.
6 days ago•••
I don’t even know what these people are trading 😂. It’s so retarded and it’s negative one day into the Trump circus show. Wonder when he puts his head in a Tiger’s mouth.
6 days ago•••
This is going to be both a supercycle and the most epic drawdown we’ve ever had. Things are going to get so stupid.