Chakaruna (Bridge Person)/716 days ago/
just now•••
Isn’t life just people seeking to meet on the mobius strip of singularity anyway
Yeah, that sounds like a call. Don’t say that. 🤣🤣🤣
isssaaa jokey jokeee
2 minutes ago•••
Taxes… Not for a Bitcoiner that mines or buys non kyc.
Taxes… Not for a Bitcoiner that mines or buys non kyc.
Nostr President replied 1 minute ago
1 minute ago•••
@ObjectiF MooN⚡️₿ you still here?
15 minutes ago•••
Starting to get my ai agent to send me reports to my private nostr relay over wireguard. I’m working on feeding it data every morning from various sources: email, nostr notes mentioning damus, notedeck, jb55. It then summarizes whats happening and gives me my own daily nostr report. All local ai so completely private.
54 minutes ago•••
Hello friends. Sorry I have not been here lately. I think about y’all often.
I’ve been traveling non stop for work, moving, and I received some very worrisome news that has really been weighing on me.
Some of you might remember a few years ago when my mom had a major surgery that we thought would be her last to remove a tumor on her spine. Well, in a recent check up, they unfortunately found two spots on her brain.
Right now, they are unsure if it is related to the first tumor or not, or if they’re malignant or benign. We will find out more in April, which is not a fun wait if you could imagine.
Mom has been through hell and back and even stopped for a meal a few times, but she always comes back. She’s not worried in the least, which is great, but it’s still scary.
I’m trying to stay engaged with my friends online, fulfill obligations for work and The Space, and just make it. So if I’m slow to respond, that’s why, and I apologize. Feel free to bump me if I miss your message because I’ve missed a lot recently, and I guarantee it’s unintentional.
Keep mama in your thoughts and prayers please. We thought she was done with her various battles with her body, but it’s putting up a good fight. Luckily, she’s been putting up a better one.
Gigi replied 3 minutes ago
i jus saw my first RILF
𝕾𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖞 replied 3 minutes ago
14 minutes ago•••
who wants to learn Swahili...I'll teach you some words ...😏😏😊
maya replied 3 minutes ago
38 minutes ago•••
Coffee is in, time to "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" 🤣🚀🧨 https://v.nostr.build/hDVs1LWbVd3nztN0.mp4
Nostr President replied 7 minutes ago
18 minutes ago•••
I can't stand it anymore. We need to make Jurassic Park real.
Jordi Llonch Esteve replied 8 minutes ago
22 minutes ago•••
Boa noite 👋 até amanhã,🥱
Nostr President replied 9 minutes ago
10 minutes ago•••
Introducing AlgoRelay v0.2
Putting users back in control
The latest version of AlgoRelay now gives the ability for users to login with nostr and adjust their own algorithms and see the data the algorithm uses to make your feed.
You can try it out yourself at https://algo.utxo.one
17 minutes ago•••
The European countries in lockstep with the old guard of the U.S. State Department have expanded their influence through the vehicle of NATO merely by leveraging the export of the U.S. Dollar.
They’ve made a good deal for themselves even sweeter by failing to meet their own financial obligations to the organization.
In other words, through US inflationary activity the EU leaders have been able to artificially expand their influence and power in the region while also deindustrializing.
In the past power expansion required superior means of production and energy generation.
Russia pushed back against this bought-for influence and the west quickly learned no amount of money (and they’ve tried it all) can win without the productive capabilities to back it up. Too many dollars chasing too few munitions. At some point, no amount of dollar adjustment fixes the lack of production capabilities.
Trump tariffs are an attempt to reverse this and incentivize the growth of western production again. I think he also understands our dollar exports aren’t as poignant of a weapon as it once was, and continuing down this path not only doesn’t help the war (it prolongs death and destruction) but it also severely hampers American economic wellbeing. Enough is enough, that’s his stance.
The EU leaders have lived in their artificial power bubble for too long, they fail to see it has already been popped.
HOW TO STR replied 11 minutes ago
10 hours ago•••
bitcoin twitter: sbr not happening 😭 trump cucked 😭 saylor margin call 😭 etf flows 😭
it really is bifurcating
16 minutes ago•••
Wait till Bluesky find out how few of them it would take to move over to nostr to invade and overrun the place lol. (25).
Orthodoxtr replied 15 minutes ago
1 hour ago•••
My feed is kinda ded, need to follow new plebs to get more info and pics flowing! Whom to follow? 🫂👀
node replied 18 minutes ago
20 minutes ago•••
Whoops we gave the wrong link to join our test program, please use this link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/io.coinos
We need to get at least 12 testers -- thanks everyone for helping us out!
1 hour ago•••
We're pleased to announce that Coinos is now available as a native Android app. You can find it in Zapstore (https://zapstore.dev/) and Obtainium (https://obtainium.imranr.dev/) or download the APK file from our Github page: https://github.com/coinos/coinos-ui/releases/tag/v1.0.0
We're currently seeking internal testers to help us get into the Google Play Store as well. If you're willing to help with that, please join the testing program here: https://play.google.com/apps/internaltest/4700271962235712116 or send us your email address.
The Android app doesn't offer anything new or different from our existing Progressive Web App other than the ability to open bitcoin: lightning: and links natively
In fact the Android app is just a simple wrapper around our web app, but we hope that by releasing it we'll be more easily discoverable for people who search for Coinos in the Play Store.
We'll be looking into releasing an iOS app in the future as well.
716 days ago•••
I love talking to myself.