14 minutes ago•••
Sliding into a long weekend like the silver surfer!
#zapstream #chatting #gaming #streaming
1 hour ago•••
trade wars are a signal you shouldn't ignore. gold pumping is a signal you shouldn't ignore. talks about having to up national defence is a signal you shouldn't ignore.
Every fiat buck you currently own and don't need is a fiat buck you should get rid off as fast as you can. You should also stack harder than you've ever stacked before.
47 hours ago•••
GM! ☕️ How are you today? 🫂💜 Spring has finally arrived, with more sunshine and energy for action. I haven't baked anything for a long time and since I was craving something sweet, this was born 😂 Puff pastry, apples, rum, almonds. Have a great week #food #foodstr #plebchain
16 days ago•••
GM! ☕️How are you today? 🫂💜 Today's mood 😂, how about you?
19 days ago•••
Hello, hello! How are you today? 🫂💜 I love mussels, and at this time of year they are particularly delicious. Any opportunity to eat these from the North Sea cannot pass me by! 🙈🤪
30 days ago•••
GM! ☕️ How are you today? 💜🫂 Today I moved my peppers into larger pots. I had exceptionally fresh seeds, some of which I obtained from last year's plants and the rest I bought. They germinated more than I assumed and I have 24 seedlings 🙈 I don't know where I'll find space for this, but I have time until May 😂😂😂 If you want to sow peppers this is the last moment, because some germinate up to 40 days. If you sow them in March, unfortunately the harvest will be in October/November and not all will ripen.
31 days ago•••
GM! ☕️ How are you today? 💜🫂 I hope you are enjoying last day of the weekend. I do 🥳💜
33 days ago•••
GM! ☕️ How are you today? 🫂💜 I hope you have a great weekend! 💜🫂
41 days ago•••
GM! ☕️ How are you today? 💜🫂 It's been 2 years on #nostr ! I hope this is just the beginning! Thanks for being here, it's more fun with you guys. 💜 Have a great day 🫂
43 days ago•••
GM! ☕️How are you today? 🫂💜 Carnival is in full swing, so donuts are a must. Have a good day! 💜🫂
46 days ago•••
Uuh.. just set coinos wallet with #Amethyst via WC for one tap zap. The easiest way to do it until now.
You should try coinos.io if you don't have already. Only thing I don't like much is that automatically changes lightning address default on your Nostr profile, but all the rest is so neat and simple.
IntuitiveGuy replied 46 days ago
47 days ago•••
A: Hi Bob!
B: Hey Alice, how are you doing? Oh nice hair you got today.
A: Oh, thanks.. so, you just like them? You are not zapping me for them? You are so FIAT Bob.
So basically we passed from a culture of EGO builders with 👍🏼 on Facebook, to another one where you build your EGO since you give "value" while others are only appreciating something without giving money to it. pendulum shifting so hard.
Let me ask..
1) Do you zap every note you would like 2 years ago or you are limitating your engagement because you settled a higher standard?
2) Let's say Alice zap 21 sats as minimum, and Bob zap 100 sats as minimum.. but Alice got in bitcoin just recently and have a stack of less than 0.1 btc, while Bob is in since 2013 and his stack is 100+ BTC.. who is giving more value, putting more on the line, and giving more?
3) Alice follows 2000+ users, and zaps an avarage of 100 notes a day, from just GM to long form posts. Bob follows 100 people and zaps less than 5 notes a day but 10 times Alice amount. Who is giving more "value" and making sats flow creating a bigger net of connections and engagement..
4) #Nostr is a fucking niche still, even smaller than Bitcoin, and trying to force onlyzaps to new users that doesn't know anything about it, and don't have anyone that follow and actively engage with them, you want to also take from them an easy way of communication, because Reactions, not just LIKES, ARE A WAY OF COMMUNICATING A MESSAGE.
IntuitiveGuy replied 46 days ago
46 days ago•••
Keep it weird..
46 days ago•••
Just added a #bitcoin onchain address to my profile infos, so if your #zaponly doesn't work one day, you are covered. You are welcome.
46 days ago•••
"This time is different!" (Audio ON 🔊) https://v.nostr.build/7G1pBsm5HD26serW.mp4
46 days ago•••
Too much binary thinking..
Zoom out, notice the nuances, the shades...