I actually haven't given anything up for lent probably since I was a kid, but as I have gotten more in touch with God recently, it actually kind of made sense to me for the first time this year, and it "popped into my head" literally Tuesday night, right before lent started. Here's how I suddenly made sense of it:
If you wanted to give God a gift, what would you give Him? The Dude literally made the entire universe, the sun, the stars, the earth, all living things. But there is one thing he cannot speak into being... our free will. He cannot force us to choose anything.
So this lent I decided to choose to be a little healthier, a little more clear headed, and spend a little more time being thankful to God. I will often smoke a little weed (or take an edible) before bed to help me sleep, but I'm giving that up for lent this year. I haven't been sleeping as well, but when I wake up in the night, I spend that time in prayer.
Anyone else have thoughts on the meaning or purpose of sacrificing this season?