5. “Us little guys are getting fucked and will not tolerate it anymore” … I hope you’re not suggesting me Hodl and Odell are fucking you… because I can assure you we are not… the only one fucking you is the system. Those of us who are tired of getting fucked by the system save in bitcoin and try to create value in this world.
6. No, Bitcoin does not care. Bitcoin is a protocol. We, Bitcoiners, care a LOT. HODL, Odell and I care a lot. We also care about as many people as possible waking the fuck up and learning about Bitcoin. That’s why we talk about Bitcoin in public forums as much as possible. That’s why we tell our family and friends and strangers on the internet that they need to pay fucking attention to Bitcoin. Because we see what is happening and the inevitability of it all, and want as many people as possible to start stacking and save themselves and their families.
I hope this helps to clarify things, and will continue to respond in good faith until you give me a reason to do otherwise.
I promise you neither I nor HODL nor ODELL are the enemy here…