17 minutes ago•••
My node hasn’t been down since the day I turned it on, which was maybe 2-3 months ago now. So far so good.
56 minutes ago•••
ASMR of me loading film for the first time in two years.
2 hours ago•••
2 hours ago•••
I had a photographer friend reach out to me and asked if I’d be up to do a film project with him in which we photograph some old cars. Now that’s my kind of game. I love old cars.
He sent me some Kodak gold to use so it’ll be fun. I haven’t shot film in over 2 years so I’m very much looking forward to it. I’ll be using my first film camera that was given from my photography teacher in high school, Mr Vernon, which is a canon ae-1. I still swear by it that it’s one of the best cameras out there. Pairing it with my 50mm ssc f1.4.
2 hours ago•••
I had a photographer friend reach out to me and asked if I’d be up to do a film project with him in which we photograph some old cars. Now that’s my kind of game. I love old cars.
He sent me some Kodak gold to use so it’ll be fun. I haven’t shot film in over 2 years so I’m very much looking forward to it. I’ll be using my first film camera that was given from my photography teacher in high school, Mr Vernon, which is a canon ae-1. I still swear by it that it’s one of the best cameras out there. Pairing it with my 50mm ssc f1.4.
3 hours ago•••
The mask comes off, and the truth is revealed
Ultra Sound Money Narrative that was repeated over and over again was a big fat lie
3 hours ago•••
Bitcoin is the base asset thay props up the entire Crypto Industry
db506a89...8763 replied 3 hours ago
4 hours ago•••
North Korea doesn't even want XRP 😂🤣
4 hours ago•••
North Korea is the new #Ethereum Foundation
5 hours ago•••
I'm responsible for my life, so that makes me in charge of protecting my wealth
6 hours ago•••
Arthur Hayes Max Level Trolling
6 hours ago•••
Does this note make me look fat?
7 hours ago•••
LAZARUS GROUP was behind the Bybit Hack
7 hours ago•••
One last panic dump before $$$$ liquidity starts to pour into #bitcoin
8 hours ago•••
Aware of it's existence, but unaware of it's purpose
Me before #Bitcoin
8 hours ago•••
More people lose their #bitcoin durning the bull market than any other point in the cycle
get reckless, get rekt
8 hours ago•••
The exchanges and liquidity providers, knew the hack happened before it was discolosed to the public
If I had inside information, I would let the price rise and sell into the pump before the disclosure
8 hours ago•••
The moment momentum started to change 😂🤣
Realse, The Hack FUD!
8 hours ago•••
#Bitcoin keeps proving
Keep it simple, stupid!
Is the best strategy
9 hours ago•••
Bitcoin is about big love.
The biggest of love towards all of humanity and posterity to come.
Supporting it is an implicit statement to all of the world, that even without knowing you, or any identifiable features about you, that you deserve the dignity of a free, fair, open-source money that is controlled by no one, and is open to anyone.