1 minute ago•••
Time is space.
5 minutes ago•••
Won’t sleep till my 79,500 conditional order.
4 hours ago•••
i reinstalled Winders several months ago in the fall so that i could play Overwatch 2 again. i love Overwatch 2, but i am finding myself playing it too much... again... it's time to go back to Linux and a sub-optimal Overwatch 2 experience, resulting in me playing in less 😉
77ce56f8...6ca7 replied 6 minutes ago
35 minutes ago•••
oof. apparently i never saved my albyhub password in my password manager becuase i didn't know if i was going to keep it or not. is there a way i can reset this @npub14wx...gcye via shell access or should i just blow it away and re-setup all of my NWC strings again for all of my apps?
Derek Ross replied 10 minutes ago
24 minutes ago•••
Goodnight friends, sleep well Payday tomorrow, which means Smash stack (minus rent)
“BTFDGN, a haiku”
4 hours ago•••
Cynthia Lummis is speaking to a packed house at @npub1key...lt3h right now, and she’s absolutely loving it.
Quite the week we’re having. 🍸
Baked Potato replied 31 minutes ago
36 minutes ago•••
Signed up for Amazon flex. 🤷
Learning to provide value, while valueless, is difficult. 🙃
56 minutes ago•••
Saylor’s recommending you sell a kidney.
Steady lads…. 🤣
77ce56f8...6ca7 replied 40 minutes ago
1 hour ago•••
My direct deposit just came through! Cheap sats y'all!
Baked Potato replied 44 minutes ago
3 hours ago•••
A video of how I read my #bitcoin chart.
The last 5 min is the important part (well, all of it is really but in regards to divergence). https://v.nostr.build/WLUAAw2LbGKA5GSz.m4v
c1e6505c...157e replied 44 minutes ago
56 minutes ago•••
Bitcoin at $80K cuckbucks.
DCA scooping me more sats.
Chilling in the @npub10qr...xqj8 studio narrating “The Big Print” by @npub1d3f...r4xv
Wife and son asleep after quality time spent with both.
1 hour ago•••
Chaos is not random.
Chaos is a much higher form of order.
Chaos is new information.
Chaos cannot be confined by old categories.
Embrace chaos.
1 hour ago•••
I think my fellow plebs need this right now…
@npub1hu3...h8nh made this song in October 2022 when Bitcoin was in the depths of the bear market and kept going back to $19K…
If you’re reading this, take a deep breath, zoom out and enjoy the music.
1 hour ago•••
Sub 80k 👀
01d0bbf9...0d4c replied 1 hour ago
1 hour ago•••
Don’t be sad because your net worth has fallen, just be glad you saw it rise in the first place. 😬
2 hours ago•••
#bitcoin is on cruise control forever.
3 hours ago•••
A video of how I read my #bitcoin chart.
The last 5 min is the important part (well, all of it is really but in regards to divergence). https://v.nostr.build/WLUAAw2LbGKA5GSz.m4v
2 hours ago•••
The drop is because of the Epstein files…
2 hours ago•••
Watching #bitcojn drop is more exciting than new years.
3 hours ago•••
Video coming in a few minutes explaining my charting.