npub14qz...2q26/524 days ago/
5 days ago•••
Occasionally when scanning QR-codes I got some gibberish, usually a short number instead of the URL. Here, somebody made a code that deliberately scans as either of two URLs:
8 days ago•••
Ross is free at last! And while normal plebs only knew it today, some people clearly got wind of it yesterday. People that traded on the event.
I love futures markets and if they were even more known, such insiders would inevitably know where to make a quick buck by letting the rest of the world know what's to come in the process.
If only there was something decentralized, permission-less and Bitcoin-based.
9 days ago•••
High engagement posts break my client and I don't see how to get all that content quicker on the screen without centralization.
I do see however a way to get relevant content very quickly.
The client loads the event in question and then gets with little limitation all kinds of events referencing this event. And then it gets profile information of all the authors of all these events. Thousands of events in hundreds of round trips take time and the slower the internet connection the more challenging it gets.
I would want all the events to be filtered by "friends of friends" or better yet, load social circles in stages. First my direct follows, then their follows, then theirs and only if that did not yield lots of content, go global.
12 days ago•••
I applied for an OpenSats grant for WalletScrutiny several months ago, too, with no reply. For a while I was checking the spam folder carefully but no reply at all feels just off. Regardless how many aplicants they have, some reply showing that it didn't end up in their spam folders is the least one can expect.
14 days ago•••
Second (and final) load of sand arrived yesterday, at last! What does this mean? It means that I can finally start to work, teaching people and training horses. Yay! Exciting times!
21 days ago•••
We found this strange piece of stone (?) on a walk in a dry river bed yesterday. Any idea what it is? Human made? Animal made? I've never seen anything like it before.
24 days ago•••
My walls are very poetic lately
What you depart from is not the way—EZRA POVND
82 days ago•••
https://ppq.ai/ is awesome! If you use Bitcoin and want to use any of the many LLM tools, don't pay a monthly subscription. Just use ppq.ai and pay as little as $0.1 to get started. And you have all the tools at your finger tips for actually less than any one of them!
116 days ago•••
I tried the "forgot my unlock pattern" puzzle.
Not recommended. Very anxiety inducing.
The game comes with incomplete instructions. Knowing the rules upfront would have improved the fun part.
120 days ago•••
NoStrudel needs nip17 (private DMs) support! There is a bounty of $300US so far to get it integrated, with some work started which by my judgement doesn't function yet.
If you have implemented it before, maybe you want to earn a quick bounty?
If you also want to know if you have DMs that your client hasn't shown you yet, maybe you also want to chip in?
Leo Wandersleb replied 120 days ago
120 days ago•••
Why do banks on a business account provide excel export and then use different number formats in different columns and date as text without a year? How can I assume they are competent?
121 days ago•••
Wait, what? He's really chosen the most pathetic and despicable route shitcoins usually take?
121 days ago•••
🤦‍♂️ I'm one of the 5k followers of this abandoned account. But did he really join more than a year ago? I'm confused.
524 days ago•••
I’m exactly 25K from a new stacking goal.
This 500K will go on a SatsCard and then disappear for 18 years, at which point it will belong to the next child born into my extended family.
Don’t send sats. I’m not asking for you to fill it up. Just wanted to share the way I’m thinking about this project.
524 days ago•••
“Don’t send sats”.
This is exactly how you get sats. You know we’re a bunch of degenerate trolls.
524 days ago•••
😂😂 nooo please don’t hahaha it’s for science