141 days ago•••
SK: Predikčné trhy predstavujú praktický spôsob, ako môžeme nahliadnuť do budúcnosti bez nutnosti spoliehať sa na tradičné, často nepresné metódy, ako je veštenie z kávových usadenín, hlasovanie, či komentáre “odborníkov” v novinách. Filip poukazuje na fakt, že tradičné metódy získavania informácií, ako sú prieskumy verejnej mienky, môžu byť dosť zásadne nepresné. To znamená, že predikčné trhy, ktoré umožňujú účastníkom investovať do svojich názorov, poskytujú presnejší a realistickejší odraz skutočnosti
Prečo “gambling” hovorí niečo o svete, ako ho možno používať na hedging budúcnosti, poistky, získavanie informácií, či robenie lepších rozhodnutí alebo dokonca financovanie verejných statkov?
141 days ago•••
Hack for kids: instead of an unrestricted access to a tablet, give them a walkman with cassettes. They get understanding of physical medium, they can record songs they like (even from YouTube), stories, ... Modern walkmans can record from analog audio input, some have even an integrated microphone.
They have fun, they can play and it's entirely their own thing.
On the other side there's no corporation wanting their attention to fill their head with cornflakes ads.
And then you give them nprofile1qqsy6j4hxl30hdd0pl2epd9harr0uakn5q4f0y000ldv7cqlneg04kqpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsz8thwden5te0dehhxarj9e3hjurgv4e8qatwdvh8gmmyv9uj7qghwaehxw309ahx7um5wghxy6t5wp6ku6ewvekj7su0fdq cassettes to listen to some good music (e.g. nprofile1qqsg37rs0fz7sfdp8mfcxve2hehz7yz2k3xcw7gchc392qyr526eucqppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0cr555r) and they also learn about Bitcoin and analog encoding and a lot of other stuff.
Juraj replied 141 days ago
143 days ago•••
I did not make the picture. :)
144 days ago•••
I did not know this was possible, very cool. A way to do it in Firefox anyone (I mean the right click way)?
145 days ago•••
S Pavlom Šimonom sme nahrali super podcast o energetike, decentralizácii, energetickej intuícii, miningu, .... Dlhší, ale veľmi výživný podľa mňa.
145 days ago•••
After setting 200 sats/min for v4v listening in Fountain, something unexpected happened to me.
I am much more picky about what I listen to. Example: I started to listen to some techie AI podcast. After few minutes I thought to myself "I know all this stuff they're talking about and I'm paying for this, I'll skip ahead". I skipped and switched to a different podcast eventually.
Normally I would tell myself "I know this stuff, but the guys are nice, maybe I'll learn something new".
Value4value works in both ways. I reward creators for the value I receive, but it makes me very conscious about what I receive.
And since my time is precious, I actually save it.
151 days ago•••
I wonder why anyone thinks it is a good idea to have support for a Bitcoin project over Telegram. I asked one question and got five scammers immediately. They even told me to delete the question from the official support chat to avoid being scammed, and that they will take it from here.
Dear projects, have you heard of e-mail?
Telegram is the "until you forget how horrible is" type of experience. It's like McDonalds. You eat there when you forget how you felt the last time you did from the food.
152 days ago•••
Very cool episode, thank you!
I'm playing with Reticulum which has a bit more mature architecture, you guys are would love it. It runs on the same devices, but also IP / I2P, wifi halow (the new wifi standard that's up to one km range). It is a networking stack though, it can do ssh, messaging over the radio through the city, I even ported ecash cashu over it so you can send sats. It is done mostly by this one cool guy Mark who lives in an RV and puts all his soul and time to this. And it is actually meshing, if there's a route, it finds it. Neighbors can do wifi, you go further over lora. Very cool. And it's encrypted by default.
The messaging apps can work over wifi, so if you have a node at your home (or an RV), when your phone connects to the wifi, it automatically connects to the mesh. If you send a message, the node forwards it through lora or whatever
152 days ago•••
A super cool thing would be able to run an RNode and rnsd Reticulum in a way that it would also listen to Meshtastic messages and route them at the same time.
With one rnode you could participate in both networks. Is it feasible? Especially the hardware/format part, we could just demultiplex the Meshtastic messages and pass them to Meshtastic app, so we don't have to implement any special Meshtastic messages logic.
152 days ago•••
Hey @npub1v5u...n0v5 and @npub1unm...d0j2. I am trying to claim my podcast on Fountain according to this manual:
I don't see a "Claim your podcast" in the three dots menu. I am on 1.1.5 (1183) on Android (GrapheneOS).
152 days ago•••
Oznam: Firefish môžete používať už aj v Slovenčine.
155 days ago•••
Small update on Podcaster 2.0 Boost Dashboard (for core lightning).
- looks cooler, fits on the screen
- the episode list is narrower, so you can see your boost messages (see updated screenshot)
- episodes are sorted by when they received first boost, which is an approximation of how recent the episodes are (a newer episode will probably receive its first boost later).
Does this project have any users here (besides me) are all y'all folks running lnd or alby?
157 days ago•••
Tomorrow I have a fireside chat with @npub1q3t...u7l3 at @npub1fc6...zyq0.
I have made my notes in a beautiful presentation format that I will see on my phone.
And you will never know how it looks.
Slides for myself! 🍄
Have you ever done something like that? :)
157 days ago•••
Pre Bitcoin Alza som spísal článok o peňaženkách Trezor. Absencia článku o prvej HW peňaženke nebola zámerom, iba to doteraz nikto nenapísal, tak som to napravil. Snáď sa dozviete, čo ste nevedeli, pretože Trezor toho vie oveľa viac ako si mnohí ľudia myslia.
159 days ago•••
This year's HCPP (the last one in a sense) was pretty special for me. As probably the only conference fully dedicated to cryptoanarchy it was always my favorite.
This year it was mostly about personal connections for me. I feel that over past few years, people have been running around the world and trying things and they came to tell us about their experience and results. In the hallways, but also talks. First few years were visions, last few were experiences and lessons learnt.
But it also gave me something more. I used to get this at CCC. This knowledge of what is important, what is going on and what we are doing. I became disconnected with the main CCC ideology, which is also very political, not very cypherpunk. It turned from "we write code and hack" more "we have to speak up and lobby the european commission".
I've just realized that I got the same feeling from hcpp that I used to get from CCC.
I love CCC for other things.
159 days ago•••
Welcome @npub135x...taeg to Nostr. She is a shared identity that can be used by people who want to share cool Cypherpunk projects anonymously. Usually, this is quite a big problem, because if you want to share open source code and want to stay anonymous, you can't use your existing social network.
The password to posting is going to be shared widely among devs. If you are a free software and cypherpunk author (even if not anon), ask for password and spread it wisely.
We want the anonymity set to grow, plus it's not defined, it's just the knowledge of a password. So it can't be really pinpointed who knows it.
On the other hand, there is a password, otherwise the account would be just taken over by spammers, reducing usefulness.
Lizz is accessible through Nostr (give her a follow) and you can also access her website for people who are not Nostr enabled yet. Through the web you can also easily post, the Nostr private key is derived from the password in JavaScript.
159 days ago•••
I am not very impressed by the expensive stuff. When a wine seller tells me they have a bottle of wine they are selling for $10k, all it tells me is that someone has written a price tag. I might sell my toenail for $10k, but that would not impress anyone, even if it's not possible to get it cheaper.
Luxury spending does not even work these days. You can rent things, you can borrow money to spend on something you can't afford, just to impressive.
What is impressive are great things for good price. Outstanding quality delivered despite limited resources. It's much harder to evaluate though.
When someone shows me expensive watches, I'm gonna ask if they can at least sign nostr events on it. Or if it just shows time like my phone.
160 days ago•••
Let's talk about value4value. I listen to and get value from many podcasts. I'm ruthless and stop listening if they are boring. So when I listen, they are valuable to me. And it does not always mean mind-blowing tech stuff, it can be people who get high and play music.
We have this space age technology where we can stream money, directly to producers of content we value.
And then we send them two cents. I have produced more than a hundred episodes. Many of them have changed lives, literally. My total earn from all value4value was around 35$ - streamed sats and boosts. I don't have sponsors, even though I sometimes promote my own projects. Just the cost to produce one of these is 200$ or more (at least in my time, sometimes I rent a room / studio, although I'm pretty DIY). The cameras and microphones are not free either. Neither is server hosting (I self host, no cloud services, I run my own node).
I am not complaining though. I'm part of the problem. I did not change the default in the app - 10 sats per minute is ridiculous.
I changed my setting to 200 sats per minute to start with. 7 dollars per hour makes sense to me. It's cheaper than the tip I leave for a dinner. But if you have a few listeners that set it up, it might even pay for the production cost.
Your situation might be different. But let's use this space age technology for real, not as a proof of concept to send pennies.
Thanks to nprofile1qqsy6j4hxl30hdd0pl2epd9harr0uakn5q4f0y000ldv7cqlneg04kqpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsz8thwden5te0dehhxarj9e3hjurgv4e8qatwdvh8gmmyv9uj7qghwaehxw309ahx7um5wghxy6t5wp6ku6ewvekj7su0fdq for making me see this clearly.
Repost if you do the same. You don't have to do 200 sats/min. Do whatever feels right. It's probably not the default.
#v4v #value4value #podcasting2.0