3 hours ago•••
Its been almost a month since I quit smoking. I am feeling really good about it today. I believe it's going to stick this time. The biggest change I am noticing, I find more joy in the little things.
If you are a daily cannibis user, are you honest with yourself about its effects on your daily life?
I know I wasn't for a long time.
#weedstr #weed #cannabis
3 hours ago•••
How long have you had the same phone number?
What would it mean for you to let go of it and get a new number or even let go have having a cell phone number all together?
5 hours ago•••
I hate that so often I will get everything right and actually get myself into bed at the right time, and I’ll be pretty tired, but my brain is like:
“Oh yeah? You want a good night of sleep to wake up refreshed and to take on a big day of responsibility and getting shit done tomorrow?
How about instead I fuck you over by having you loop over and over on stupid shit from throughout the that doesn’t really matter and just causes you anxiety? Would you like to spend the next 3 hours thinking about that?
Go ahead and try to do meditative exercises, or counting sheep, doesn’t matter, you won’t go to sleep because I decided tonight is one of those nights that I am just going to totally fuck up your day tomorrow for no reason other than that I can. Worse part is, there is no one to blame but yourself because I am you!”
Sometimes it be like that.
5 hours ago•••
fucking LN it took me an hour to send $600
yes I have the sats, plus 50k cushion. wtf is "your payment routing profile" and why do I have to reset it to find a path?
44 hours ago•••
I’m so happy that Nostr exist so I have some kind of social media that isn’t a completely unhinged brainwashing clickbait experience.
Everyday the experience on the other apps gets more and more extreme, deranged, and frankly scary.
14 days ago•••
Ive been sleeping on Peach Bitcoin.
what an incredibly based noKYC service for p2p sales ❤️
16 days ago•••
#asknostr #solar #offgrid
17 days ago•••
Dating apps are like the concentration camps of love. Everyone is forced into a process of selection based upon opaque criteria of ‘worthiness’ that debases and devalues the humanness of the other. Just a few moments of appraisal based upon a superficial projection that is disconnected from any of the dynamism of what love is; it is a synthetic process where love goes to ‘work for freedom’ into its death. It’s where romance goes to die, and becomes a mythology of longing for all…
So it’s going pretty well.
17 days ago•••
Christianity is just Buddhism for Levantines.
come at me.
17 days ago•••
In my experience, once bitcoin begins to clicks for women, I feel they get to the inevitable conclusion much quicker than men.
My guess is men overthink things. And we are more likely to gamble and be reckless trying to cheat the system.
Understanding something intuitively is sometimes more simple.
I know I had to make a lot of bad decisions before I could see the only way is to keep stacking #bitcoin only.
#asknostr Anyone else notice this? Thoughts?
18 days ago•••
"Philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it"
19 days ago•••
breaking strong passwords still isn't a thing.
like at all.
20 days ago•••
Long Ago in China public officials were respected, but expected to live a frugal life.
if you used your position to enrich yourself you may face serious social consequences and ostracism. peer pressure has always been the most effective means of behavior modification.
Make tar and feathering great again!
20 days ago•••
#bitcoin class of 2017. Anyone else?
When did you find bitcoin?
20 days ago•••
My wife likes bitcoin. But she seems afraid of interacting on nostr and the like. She seems to think that bitcoiners come off as being better than and scary to interact with.
How did she get that idea? Are we inviting or do we push new people away?
21 days ago•••
Do you have a store accepting SATs?
22 days ago•••
iF mOnERo CoMEs uP witH aNYthInG USeFul
doesnt know that large portions of monero tech were developed for #Bitcoin ten years ago and never implemented 🙄
#monero is made up of people who want the original promise of Bitcoin.
25 days ago•••
Does anyone else here, almost always have #music playing in their head when not actively listening to something else?