npub15u3...05rq/471 days ago/
just nowβ€’β€’β€’
Solana's CEO is worried about decentralization, compares a Solana representative to being about the same as a bitcoin representative 🀣 Dude doesn't see the irony or the differences. https://www.thestreet.com/crypto/investing/solana-ceo-opposes-us-crypto-reserve
19 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
https://emoji.paulbutler.org/ needs a β˜• emote!!
Derek Ross replied 17 minutes ago
26 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
Good afternoon #coffeechain. β˜• πŸŒžσ …“σ …‘σ …£σ …˜σ …₯σ „²σ …Ÿσ „’σ „Άσ …€σ …”σ …σ …˜σ „ σ …”σ „Έσ „²σ …ͺσ „Ώσ …™σ „¨σ …¦σ …’σ …‡σ …œσ …₯σ …”σ „³σ „₯σ …šσ …’σ „’σ …œσ …₯σ …’σ „£σ „½σ …₯σ …‘σ …‡σ „©σ …˜σ …”σ …‡σ „Ύσ …ͺσ …‰σ …ˆσ …‚σ …˜σ …”σ „Ήσ „·σ …™σ …‰σ …‡σ …œσ „Ήσ „±σ „΅σ „©σ „¦σ „£σ …©σ …Ÿσ „΅σ „Ύσ …‡σ …¨σ …˜σ …“σ „Ήσ „Ώσ …›σ …‰σ …‡σ „΅σ „²σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ύσ „€σ …σ „΄σ …œσ …œσ „Ώσ …‡σ „Ίσ …™σ „½σ „’σ …Šσ …σ …‰σ …„σ „Άσ …™σ „Ύσ …„σ …‰σ „€σ …Šσ „΄σ „²σ …šσ …‰σ …σ „½σ „€σ „½σ …šσ „²σ …›σ …‰σ …σ „΅σ …§σ …‰σ „’σ …†σ …šσ „½σ …σ …Šσ …™σ „Ύσ …šσ „΅σ „’σ „Ύσ …šσ „Ήσ …©σ …‰σ …σ …‰σ „’σ …Šσ …„σ …‰σ …§σ „Ύσ …„σ …“σ „‘σ …Šσ …„σ „²σ …šσ …‰σ „’σ „Ήσ …¨σ …‰σ …„σ …›σ „£σ „Ύσ „’σ …‚σ …˜σ …‰σ …‡σ ……σ …¨σ …Šσ „·σ …‚σ …˜σ …‰σ „‘σ …—σ …˜σ „±σ …™σ …‚σ „σ …šσ „΄σ „‘σ …–σ …™σ „²σ …Ÿσ …©σ „½σ …™σ „¨σ „΄σ …Šσ „³σ …˜σ „»σ …—σ „£σ „Έσ … σ „Ήσ „Ώσ …–σ …€σ „ σ …žσ …ƒσ „Έσ …σ …“σ …’σ …‘σ „ σ „σ „²σ …¨σ „ σ „΅σ „³σ …ƒσ …‰σ …‡σ …ƒσ …šσ …‰σ …‡σ …†σ …‰σ „Ήσ „Ήσ …—σ „¨σ …‰σ „Έσ …ˆσ …“σ …’σ …Ÿσ …˜σ „‘σ „Ίσ …›σ …‡σ …Šσ …ͺσ …“σ …’σ …ˆσ „΄σ …†σ „€σ …£σ …‡σ …“σ …£σ „Όσ …¦σ „Όσ …‰σ …‚σ „‘σ …€σ „Έσ …§σ …‡σ …‘σ …•σ ……σ …ͺσ …‘σ …¨σ „©σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ύσ …‰σ „Ήσ „΅σ …›σ …‡σ …ͺσ „³σ …„σ …Ÿσ …„σ …žσ „Ώσ …ˆσ „§σ „΅σ …†σ „²σ … σ …™σ ……σ „·σ „Άσ …’σ „ σ „΄σ …’σ …•σ …™σ …‘σ …σ „‘σ …σ „Όσ „½σ …¨σ …ƒσ …‘σ …€σ …€σ „±σ „²σ …•σ „σ …‘σ …ͺσ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ίσ …‰σ „Ήσ „Άσ …‚σ …‘σ „Ώσ …„σ …Ÿσ „§σ … σ …šσ …‡σ …σ „³σ „±σ …¨σ …σ „³σ „‘σ …†σ …‚σ …€σ „Έσ „·σ „£σ „Ίσ „²σ …šσ …‰σ „Έσ „‘σ „ σ …€σ „³σ …˜σ …„σ „Όσ …€σ ……σ „©σ …§σ ……σ …‡σ „΅σ …›σ … σ „·σ „Άσ …˜σ „²σ „·σ „Άσ …ͺσ …•σ „΅σ „±σ „₯σ „Ύσ …ͺσ …—σ „€σ …‰σ …‡σ …‰σ …§σ „½σ „΄σ „½σ „’σ …Šσ „΄σ „Ίσ …˜σ …‰σ …σ …‚σ …œσ „Ύσ „΄σ …“σ „£σ …‰σ …‡σ …‚σ …›σ „Ύσ …šσ …˜σ …σ „Ώσ …‡σ ……σ „‘σ „Ώσ „΄σ …“σ …ͺσ „½σ …šσ …‚σ …šσ „½σ …ͺ󠅁σ „₯σ …‰σ …ͺσ …“σ „ σ „½σ „·σ …σ „£σ …Šσ „΄σ …†σ …˜σ „Ύσ „΄σ „Ύσ …œσ „½σ …‡σ „΅σ „£σ „Ώσ …‡σ „΅σ „’σ …Šσ …σ „΅σ …ͺσ „Ύσ …šσ „Ύσ …™σ …Šσ …šσ …—σ „₯󠅉󠅇󠄾󠅉󠄹󠅁󠄻󠄲󠄸󠅅󠄸󠄸󠄢󠅝󠄳σ …ͺσ …„σ …Ÿσ …₯σ „¦σ …‡σ …’σ …‘σ …•σ „±σ …Ÿσ …†σ …§σ …žσ …σ „³σ … σ …σ … σ …†σ …¨σ „₯σ …‰σ „ σ „σ „Ίσ …‚σ „¨σ …‰σ …šσ …ͺσ …“σ …€σ …§σ …σ „Άσ …›σ …Ÿσ „’σ „Άσ …œσ …‡σ „³σ „³σ „£σ „Άσ „»σ „±σ „’σ …ˆσ …‡σ „΅σ „Ύσ …˜σ „³σ „΄σ …‘σ „Ίσ „₯σ „§σ …¨σ …’σ „³σ …Ÿσ …‰σ ……σ „Ύσ „Έσ „΅σ „΄σ …„σ „»σ „₯󠄒󠅗󠅧󠅣󠅁󠅙󠅀󠄾󠅦󠄿󠅂󠄷󠅛󠄷󠄢σ …ͺσ …‡σ „³σ „±σ „σ …¨σ „½σ …€σ „’σ „Ώσ …‡σ …§σ …’σ „©σ „€σ …’σ …©σ „Ήσ …Šσ „³σ „₯σ „Έσ …©σ „¦σ …™σ …’σ „σ …”σ …‰σ …§σ „΄σ „³σ …—σ …¨σ …œσ „Όσ „σ „€σ „±σ …Šσ „’σ …†σ „§σ „»σ …—σ …–σ …‡σ „Άσ …©σ …‡σ „³σ „±σ …σ …₯σ …§σ „±σ „€σ …σ …‚σ …σ „Ίσ „Ίσ …•σ „Ίσ …ƒσ „΄σ …©σ „‘σ „±σ „΅σ …“σ …Šσ „»σ …˜σ …’σ …’σ „¦σ „»σ „¨σ „§σ „²σ …“σ …™σ „΄σ …’σ …’σ …„σ „¦σ …σ …†σ ……σ …•σ …σ …σ „»σ …‚σ …˜σ …‰σ …‚σ …˜σ „±σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ύσ „€σ …σ „΄σ …“σ …ͺσ …Šσ …σ …†σ …™σ …Šσ …šσ …‰σ „€σ „Ώσ „΄σ …‰σ „€σ …Šσ …σ ……σ „ σ „½σ …‡σ „Ύσ …˜σ „½σ …σ …σ „£σ „Ύσ …ͺσ „±σ „£σ …Šσ „·σ …σ …©σ …Šσ „΄σ …“σ …§σ …‰σ „’σ „½σ …ͺσ „Ύσ …ͺσ …œσ …™σ …Šσ „΄σ „½σ „’σ …Šσ „΄σ ……σ „ σ „Ύσ „΄σ …—σ „€σ …Šσ …šσ „Ύσ …šσ …Šσ …σ …σ „ σ …Šσ …„σ …“σ „€σ …‰σ „’σ …σ …§σ „½σ …σ „½σ „ σ „Ώσ …„σ „Ίσ …›σ „Ώσ …„σ „Άσ …˜σ …‰σ „‘σ …—σ …˜σ „±σ „₯σ …¨σ „Άσ …€σ …ͺσ …‘σ …†σ …–σ …„σ …©σ …›σ …žσ „Έσ „σ …Šσ „Έσ „ σ …„σ …¦σ „Ώσ …–σ …•σ …σ „§σ „‘σ „Άσ „€σ …˜σ „¦σ „Ύσ …–σ …σ …•σ „·σ …”σ „©σ …€σ „Έσ … σ „ σ …‘σ ……σ …–σ …‰σ …‡σ …ƒσ …šσ …‰σ …‡σ …†σ …‰σ „Ήσ „Όσ …Ÿσ …’σ „Άσ „½σ „‘σ …Ÿσ …‘σ „Ίσ „»σ …€σ ……σ …σ …§σ ……σ …ͺσ …„σ „’σ „·σ „©σ ……σ ……σ „»σ „Έσ …‰σ „Άσ …šσ ……σ …Ÿσ …σ …Šσ …₯σ „‘σ „Ύσ „Έσ …œσ „½σ …–σ …œσ „³σ „£σ …šσ „·σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ύσ …‰σ „Ήσ „Άσ …Ÿσ …œσ „΅σ „ σ „²σ …₯σ „Όσ …’σ …„σ „Έσ …‰σ „€σ …₯σ …ͺσ …₯σ „σ „Ήσ „³σ …‰σ …σ …Šσ …™σ …“σ …–σ …“σ „»σ „ σ „₯σ „©σ …–σ …σ ……σ „§σ „§σ „§σ …˜σ …‘σ …Šσ …†σ „±σ …’σ … σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ίσ …‰σ „Ήσ „Ίσ „§σ „Έσ …“σ „΅σ …‘σ …•σ …”σ „Όσ „»σ „Όσ „²σ …™σ …œσ …œσ „§σ …†σ …„σ „Ύσ …€σ …–σ …‚σ „΅σ „ σ „³σ … σ „Ώσ …£σ …•σ „΅σ „¦σ …‡σ …–σ „³σ …Ÿσ …₯σ …šσ …€σ … σ …•σ „£σ …ͺσ …—
2 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
Good morning and pura vida, Nostr! It's time to create notes and send zaps! πŸ’œπŸ€™πŸ»πŸ«‚
Be part of a new Nostriches algorithm and boost their notes for more exposure.
4 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
99th edition of this local cookbook, just in time for #Lent.
7 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
GM. Today is the first Thursday of Lent.
As a special Lenten treat, my husband took me to receive my ashes from the Bishop himself, and afterward, we looked around the fascinating, eerie NiedermΓΌnster church in #Regensburg #Germany. We saw the Schwarze Madonna, that reminded me of AltΓΆtting, but the Roman excavation was unfortunately closed to tours.
32 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
If you want to count along, during the 2025 season, I've listed the number of the day, the date, and the occasion here.
Easter Season begins on the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon and continues on, for 50 days, until Pentecost.
Laeserin replied 7 hours ago
20 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
A sincere thank you 🫢, to all of the #vegetarians and #vegans, who paved the way for meatless restaurant meals and veggie recipes.
Here's to 40 days of delicious, nutritious meals. We owe you one.
32 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
Good morning and welcome to the first day of Lent. 🐟
The season stretches until the evening mass on Holy Thursday, where it merges into another season, the Holy Triduum, in which fasting and abstinence continues. Some people take breaks from Lent on Sundays, to celebrate the Lord's Day, but they still end up fasting for at least 40 days.
#AshWednesday #Aschermittwoch
32 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
Good morning and welcome to the first day of Lent. 🐟
The season stretches until the evening mass on Holy Thursday, where it merges into another season, the Holy Triduum, in which fasting and abstinence continues. Some people take breaks from Lent on Sundays, to celebrate the Lord's Day, but they still end up fasting for at least 40 days.
#AshWednesday #Aschermittwoch
Laeserin replied 32 hours ago
40 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
€500 billion for infrastructure/construction and another undefined amount for defense. New #German coalition done discussing.
Laeserin replied 40 hours ago
41 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
When people think they can insult you, by calling you a racist, but you can't even be bothered to pretend to care, even though you're Literally Hitler.
45 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
Poland has confirmed that the weapons deliveries have stopped arriving. Russia is very pleased and has explained that they will not tolerate European peacekeepers. There are no plans for any other peacekeepers.
Laeserin replied 45 hours ago
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
Laeserin replied 2 days ago
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
When you've been complaining about the US administration for four years and the opposition wins and you just keep complaining...
That means you are completely sane. Welcome to the club.
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
I'm just waiting for Trump to start whining about how it's unfair and the stocks are underpriced and everyone is a big meanie and USA should invade Canada, or something.
Yo, investors want to make money, bro, and there's no money to be made in moving all manufacturing to the country that already has some of the highest salaries and property prices in the world, as well as a President who is clearly two economic cups short of a full set.
Either product prices must go up or wages must go down, or the dollar must be debased. There is no such thing as getting something from nothing. The tarif money has to come from someone.
I'm betting on the dollar. Trump will just harrass the Fed to print like crazy, like he did last time, and send out (DOGE) stimmy checks, like he did last time. This guy only knows one play.
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
25% tarifs on Canada and Mexico. Another 10% on China.
US market sliding.
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
25% tarifs on Canada and Mexico. Another 10% on China.
US market sliding.
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
When I'm out with my Brazilian colleague, everyone who sees us together does a double-take because she and I look similar. I find it mildly entertaining. 😁
Kind of fun to be around someone who looks like me. I haven't had that since my last visit to Texas.
Laeserin replied 2 days ago
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
This is a song about Putin.
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach ZΓ€rtlichkeit Du hast nie gelernt dich zu artikulieren Und deine Eltern hatten niemals fΓΌr dich Zeit Oh oh oh, Arschloch
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
Unlike our free, democratic country, Ukraine hasn't held elections, since we invaded them. It's a dictatorship. Terrible. Just terrible. Tsk. Tsk.
-- President of a country he's been ruling since 1999.
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
You were this many days old, when you found out that...
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
You should also be aware of the fact that many of the migrants are from Russian territories, and that Russia has the largest Muslim population in Europe.
Russia is more Islamic than the EU, not less. And the numbers are dramatic, if you just look at the younger generations.
2 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
471 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
What are you thankful for today?
470 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
Kindness 😊
470 days agoβ€’β€’β€’
Family, Health, Friends, Bitcoin & Nostr
471 days agoβ€’β€’β€’