1 hour agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Nestled in the heart of the Dolomites, Lago di Braies is one of the most breathtaking alpine lakes in South Tyrol, Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น. Known for its crystal-clear turquoise waters and dramatic mountain backdrop, itโ€™s a must-visit destination for nature lovers, photographers, and adventure seekers alike.
1 hour agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
GN ๐Ÿ‘€๓ …“๓ …‘๓ …ฃ๓ …˜๓ …ฅ๓ „ฑ๓ …•๓ …ฉ๓ „บ๓ „ ๓ …’๓ „ข๓ …ค๓ …œ๓ …’๓ …™๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ …‡๓ „ฃ๓ …ฃ๓ …™๓ …’๓ …‡๓ …œ๓ …ฅ๓ …”๓ „ณ๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ „น๓ …๓ …˜๓ „ ๓ …”๓ „ธ๓ „ฒ๓ …ช๓ „ฟ๓ …™๓ „จ๓ …ฆ๓ …’๓ …‡๓ …œ๓ …ฅ๓ …”๓ „ณ๓ „ฅ๓ …ค๓ …‘๓ …‡๓ „ฅ๓ … ๓ …‰๓ …๓ …œ๓ „ ๓ …“๓ …ฉ๓ „ฅ๓ …š๓ …‰๓ …ˆ๓ „พ๓ …Ÿ๓ „ผ๓ „ ๓ „บ๓ … ๓ …”๓ „ท๓ „พ๓ …ฆ๓ …‘๓ …‡๓ „ค๓ …™๓ „ผ๓ „ณ๓ „บ๓ …ง๓ …“๓ …๓ „ฉ๓ …ฆ๓ …Š๓ …ž๓ „ฝ๓ …™๓ „ฟ๓ …œ๓ …ค๓ „ง๓ „น๓ …๓ …œ๓ …›๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …™๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „ฑ๓ „ก๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „ฑ๓ „ก๓ „พ๓ …„๓ „ฒ๓ …๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ …๓ „ฅ๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ „ต๓ „ ๓ „พ๓ …™๓ „น๓ …ฃ๓ „น๓ …๓ „ถ๓ …ค๓ …’๓ „ฃ๓ …†๓ …ฅ๓ …”๓ „ณ๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ „ฝ๓ …ƒ๓ …ง๓ …™๓ …“๓ „ข๓ …†๓ …š๓ …“๓ …๓ …†๓ „ ๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …™๓ …‘๓ „ธ๓ …‚๓ „ฟ๓ …‘๓ „ฃ๓ „ฒ๓ …ก๓ …„๓ ……๓ „ฅ๓ …๓ …”๓ …ˆ๓ ……๓ „ฃ๓ …‡๓ …š๓ „ถ๓ …ฉ๓ ……๓ „ข๓ …ค๓ …„๓ …“๓ …„๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ „ผ๓ …ช๓ …œ๓ „ฝ๓ ……๓ …‡๓ …”๓ „ฝ๓ …‚๓ …œ๓ …˜๓ ……๓ …‡๓ „ท๓ …Š๓ …ค๓ „ฟ๓ „ท๓ „จ๓ „ข๓ …•๓ „ณ๓ „ฉ๓ …ˆ๓ …๓ „ก๓ … ๓ „ณ๓ …”๓ …ช๓ „ ๓ …™๓ „ผ๓ „ณ๓ „บ๓ „ด๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …™๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „น๓ „ข๓ …‰๓ …ช๓ …›๓ …ฉ๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ …Š๓ „ด๓ „ถ๓ …๓ …‰๓ …š๓ „พ๓ …œ๓ …‰๓ …‡๓ „ฝ๓ …ง๓ „ฟ๓ …„๓ …๓ „ฅ๓ „ฝ๓ …ช๓ „ถ๓ …™๓ …Š๓ „ท๓ „ต๓ „ ๓ „พ๓ …š๓ „ฒ๓ …š๓ …‰๓ …„๓ …œ๓ …˜๓ „พ๓ …„๓ …‰๓ …ง๓ „ฟ๓ „ท๓ ……๓ „ค๓ …‰๓ …š๓ …—๓ „ข๓ …Š๓ „ท๓ …‚๓ …™๓ …Š๓ …„๓ …›๓ …จ๓ …‰๓ …„๓ …Š๓ …๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „ต๓ …ง๓ …‰๓ …„๓ …๓ „ค๓ „ฝ๓ „ข๓ „ต๓ „ค๓ „ฝ๓ „ข๓ „ต๓ „ข๓ …Š๓ …š๓ „ฑ๓ …ช๓ „น๓ …ž๓ „ ๓ …ฃ๓ …•๓ …ฉ๓ „บ๓ … ๓ …Š๓ „ณ๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ „น๓ …š๓ „ฑ๓ …ง๓ „พ๓ …„๓ „ฑ๓ …ง๓ „พ๓ …„๓ ……๓ …ง๓ …Š๓ …š๓ „ฑ๓ „ ๓ „ฟ๓ …„๓ …๓ …จ๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …‰๓ …™๓ „ผ๓ „ณ๓ „บ๓ …˜๓ …’๓ …‡๓ „ฉ๓ „ก๓ …’๓ …ž๓ …๓ …™๓ „ฟ๓ …š๓ …๓ …ฃ๓ „น๓ …ž๓ „พ๓ …œ๓ …‰๓ „ฃ๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ …”๓ „ณ๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ „น๓ …ž๓ …Š๓ …˜๓ …“๓ „ธ๓ „พ๓ „ข๓ „ผ๓ „ข๓ …Š๓ „ฝ๓ …ƒ๓ …ž๓ „ถ๓ …ฃ๓ …”๓ …„๓ …†๓ „ธ๓ ……๓ …š๓ …—๓ „ฃ๓ …‘๓ …‡๓ …ค๓ …ฉ๓ …‡๓ …›๓ …œ๓ …‰๓ …„๓ „ถ๓ „บ๓ „ฝ๓ …„๓ „ณ๓ „ฉ๓ …ข๓ …‚๓ „ก๓ … ๓ „ผ๓ „พ๓ „ธ๓ …†๓ …š๓ „พ๓ „ธ๓ …Š๓ „ฅ๓ …‡๓ …œ๓ …˜๓ …ฆ๓ …†๓ …ž๓ …“๓ „ฉ๓ „น๓ …™๓ …ง๓ …™๓ …๓ …ฉ๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ „น๓ …š๓ „ฑ๓ …ฉ๓ …Š๓ „ด๓ „ฝ๓ …ง๓ …Š๓ …š๓ ……๓ …จ๓ „พ๓ …‡๓ ……๓ „ ๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „ต๓ …ฉ๓ „ฝ๓ …š๓ …†๓ …™๓ …‰๓ …ช๓ „พ๓ …๓ „พ๓ …š๓ „น๓ …ง๓ „พ๓ …๓ …†๓ …˜๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …—๓ „ค๓ „พ๓ „ท๓ „พ๓ …š๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …๓ „ฅ๓ …Š๓ …š๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ „ฝ๓ „ท๓ „น๓ „ค๓ …‰๓ …š๓ …›๓ …ช๓ „ฝ๓ …ช๓ „ฒ๓ …๓ „ฟ๓ „ท๓ „ถ๓ …›๓ „ฝ๓ …„๓ …—๓ „ข๓ …‰๓ …‡๓ …†๓ …›๓ „พ๓ …š๓ …”๓ …›๓ „ฝ๓ …ช๓ „น๓ …ช๓ „พ๓ …„๓ …๓ …จ๓ …‰๓ …ƒ๓ „บ๓ „ฉ๓ „ผ๓ „ธ๓ …ฃ๓ …™๓ …‘๓ …‡๓ …๓ …™๓ „ฟ๓ …™๓ „น๓ …ง๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ ……๓ …ง๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ ……๓ „ก๓ „ฝ๓ „ท๓ …‰๓ …ง๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …›๓ „ ๓ „ฝ๓ …„๓ …๓ „ข๓ „น๓ …™๓ …ง๓ …™๓ …‰๓ …‡๓ „ก๓ …ฆ๓ …”๓ …‡๓ „ฅ๓ „ ๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …จ๓ „พ๓ …™๓ …ง๓ …™๓ …“๓ „ข๓ …†๓ …š๓ …“๓ …๓ …†๓ „ ๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …™๓ …‚๓ …„๓ „ถ๓ …œ๓ …”๓ …ˆ๓ …”๓ „ฃ๓ …‘๓ „ฃ๓ …†๓ „ ๓ …†๓ …ˆ๓ …—๓ …ง๓ „ป๓ „ฃ๓ „พ๓ …‚๓ …ƒ๓ „ ๓ „ค๓ …ช๓ …„๓ „ธ๓ …†๓ …๓ „พ๓ …๓ …๓ …ช๓ …„๓ „ก๓ …†๓ „ฟ๓ „ฝ๓ „ต๓ …‰๓ „ ๓ „ฟ๓ „ถ๓ …“๓ …จ๓ …‚๓ …„๓ …”๓ „ฆ๓ …•๓ „ถ๓ „ถ๓ …ค๓ …ƒ๓ …†๓ …‚๓ …Š๓ …’๓ …ช๓ „ ๓ …™๓ „ผ๓ „ณ๓ „บ๓ „ด๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …™๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „พ๓ …š๓ …‰๓ …‡๓ „พ๓ …š๓ „พ๓ …ช๓ „ฑ๓ „ค๓ …Š๓ …„๓ „น๓ „ฃ๓ …Š๓ „ด๓ …“๓ …ฉ๓ „พ๓ …„๓ …๓ „ฅ๓ …‰๓ …š๓ …†๓ …œ๓ „พ๓ …„๓ „ฝ๓ „ฃ๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …“๓ …ง๓ „พ๓ …‡๓ …‚๓ …๓ „พ๓ …๓ …‰๓ „ข๓ …‰๓ …„๓ …—๓ „ฅ๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ …›๓ …ฉ๓ „ฝ๓ „ข๓ …๓ „ก๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …๓ …ฉ๓ „ฝ๓ …„๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ …Š๓ „ท๓ „ต๓ „ข๓ „ฟ๓ …„๓ …”๓ …œ๓ …Š๓ „ด๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ …Š๓ „ด๓ „ฒ๓ …œ๓ „ฟ๓ „ด๓ „ฑ๓ …ง๓ …‰๓ …‡๓ …‚๓ …œ๓ „น๓ …ž๓ „ก๓ …”๓ …–๓ …†๓ „ ๓ …ฃ๓ „น๓ …๓ „ก๓ …œ๓ …’๓ …‡๓ „จ๓ …™๓ „ฟ๓ …™๓ „บ๓ …„๓ …Š๓ …‡๓ „ฅ๓ „ ๓ „น๓ „ธ๓ …Š๓ … ๓ …‰๓ …ƒ๓ „ฒ๓ …œ๓ …„๓ …ž๓ …†๓ „ ๓ …“๓ …ฉ๓ „ค๓ …™๓ …–๓ …
2 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Greyscale + NO push notifications is the way. Did this a few months ago and never looked back ๐Ÿค™
9 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
10 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Itโ€™s been interesting to watch some leftist Canadians, and parts of the media, try to spin a narrative that they and others are patriotically boycotting travel to the U.S.
In reality, most Canadians simply canโ€™t afford to go, especially with the weak Canadian dollar making everything in the U.S. even more expensive.
It reminds me of the fat blue haired they/thems "boycotting" sex, due to Trump winning the election.
13 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Almost 100 working hours so far!
14 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
GM! News headline from Cointelegraph today:
"Bitcoin battles US sellers as CPI inflation sees first drop since mid-2024"
Glad to hear that Bitcoin is out there fighting off those pesky sellers! ๐Ÿ’ช
16 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Good morning nostriches! Happy Wednesday! May your coffee taste like magic today and fuel a day filled with wonder ๐ŸคŽ
[๐Ÿ“น homeb_arista]
16 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
On a mission from God. I saw 2 #bitcoin shops today. Our driver Mehmet asked me about altcoins and other interesting investment projects in crypto. I recommended him to save in bitcoin only and forget about crypto. Especially in a country with 50% Hyperinflation. #WOS is obviously the easiest timechain-entry-ticket.
Help Mehmet to learn #bitcoin with a few zaps.โšก๏ธ Will try to report on his incoming tips as well in the next 2 days. ๐Ÿงก ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท
18 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Gm dearest people i hope you find yourself well
c582af78...69cc replied 16 hours ago
17 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
c582af78...69cc replied 16 hours ago
18 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Cochem, a picturesque town in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, is famed for its Reichsburg Castle, which majestically overlooks the Moselle River. With its half-timbered houses, vineyards, and medieval charm, Cochem offers a fairytale-like experience in the heart of the Moselle Valley. A hidden gem for wine lovers and history enthusiasts!
26 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
30 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Another photo from the same location yesterday.
2 days agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
View from the cliffs near Kings Beach, South Australia
#photography #longexposure