4 days ago•••
Good Morning Nostr,
I woke up committed to doing something uncomfortable today. I'm putting myself out there to let the world know I'm interested in employment opportunities in the Bitcoin space. I’ve been searching for a while, but I’m ready to ramp it up, mix it up and see what happens with the social capital I've been building here on nostr...
This is hard and uncomfortable because I hate talking about me. I prefer doing, building, creating, and occasionally writing (people at work say I'm good at it 🤷). But one of the most important things Bitcoin teaches us is that doing the hard thing is often the right thing, so lets see where this goes.
My experience feels like it borders on irrelevant for Bitcoin at times, but if I’ve proven one thing throughout my career it is that I’m adaptable and learn quickly. I didn't know anything when I started working—I barely knew how to get to the CLI 🖥️. I have a degree that supposedly claims I'm capable of learning, but being a bitcoiner is the real truth to that. I tend to gravitate towards leadership positions once my feet are under me. I lead with a servants mentality and enjoy customer support and leaving people with a smile. I've spent 16+ years in IT doing everything from call center support and tier 1 tickets to desktop and server administration to project management with some team lead and management responsibilities along the way. I've done a lot of educating and guidance both in my career and my interactions surrounding my Bitcoin experience.
I’ve learned quite a bit about Bitcoin and have a broad experience with most aspects to self-sovereignty, self-hosting, and privacy. I don’t claim to be an expert--as soon as you do you get humbled. I love learning and gaining new skills and checking out new, useful tech.
I know what I know and have a good sense of knowing when I don't know--the difference is just the delay in finding the answer. I'm confident I can provide value where ever I go, respectfully I feel I always have. I'm a down in the dirt, get stuff done type--it was instilled in me from birth getting dirt under the fingernails on the farm.
Some personal interests I've been educating myself on and exploring include artificial intelligence, project management, IT service management framework and application analysis and development.
Anyway, if you’ve read this far, genuinely thank you 🙏and if you’d be so kind as to pass it on to spread the word I’d be eternally grateful because you never know where this mycelial web of human connections might lead.
PS - I have an pseudonymous-oriented resume available to folks interested, but I’d like to do my research about you before providing it to you (I’ve seen predatory scams out there TBH). I’m not here to support the black sheep “Bitcoin companies.” I have integrity and ethics I need to hold true to at the end of the day and want to truly build a better Bitcoin world for the next generation.
✌️🧡 -AC
#job #jobstr #bitcoinjobs #bitcoin #business #resume #aboutme
324 days ago•••
This song got me through so many hard days. Thank God for songs that move your spirit and remind you that the way has already been made.
Whoever needs a song like that right now, this one’s for you.
324 days ago•••
It never happens how you foresee it.
Energy has a law of diminishing return at any state if contained too long:
In the pause In the go In withdraw
Stand still for too long, and the world strides on without you.
Assert too long, and you miss things along the way.
Change the path too much and never reap the fruit of your labor.
The key is to trust the intuitive nudges. Resist the urge to dominate, but instead dance with the currents. Act when you know you should. Pause when you’re overwhelmed or need to ground. Retain from force, and flow WITH the energy. What’s meant for you has always been. What is not yours will resist harmony.
Don’t waste years waiting for change to happen. You are the journey itself.
324 days ago•••
Don't worry if people think you’re crazy. You are crazy. You have that kind of intoxicating insanity that lets other people dream outside of the lines and become who they’re destined to be.
324 days ago•••
Your nervous system heals every time you allow anger to be heard.
Your nervous system heals every time you allow fear to be felt.
Your nervous system heals every time you validate your tears.
Your nervous system heals every time you lean into discomfort.
Your nervous system heals every time you express instead of suppress.
Your nervous system heals when you reconnect with its natural rhythm, it's primal wisdom, and it's ancient release of feeling, emotion and sensation.
So are you letting yourself feel?
324 days ago•••
Your Life is shaped by:
The intuitive nudges you follow. The friends you confide in. The wounds you heal. The way you treat your body. The moods you nurture. The way you spend your time. The level of optimism you hold. The beliefs you keep. The habits you repeat. The questions you ask. The promises you uphold. The objectives you prioritize. The people you love. The love you have for yourself. You.
Your life is shaped by you.
327 days ago•••
The Time is Now: 🤍
I am a conduit of universal wisdom and love, gracefully aligning with my highest path and purpose.
With each breath, I release what no longer serves me and open my heart to the abundance and miracles of the universe.
I trust the journey of my soul, embracing each moment as a step towards enlightenment and self-discovery.
My inner light shines brightly, guiding me through darkness and illuminating the path of compassion, joy, and unity.
I am deeply connected to the Earth, drawing strength, healing, and nourishment from her boundless energy and wisdom.
The universe conspires in my favor, weaving the fabric of my dreams into the reality of my present.
I am a beacon of love and peace, radiating positive energy and inspiring those around me to embrace their true essence.
Every challenge is an opportunity for growth, and I move through adversity with grace, resilience, and unwavering faith.
I honor my intuition and the divine guidance that leads me towards my highest good and the service of others.
Abundance flows freely to me, in perfect timing and harmony with the needs of my soul and the world.
I am whole, complete, and profoundly connected to the web of life, celebrating the magic and mystery of existence.
With open heart and mind, I welcome new possibilities, experiences, and connections that enrich my journey and expand my spirit.
327 days ago•••
If you’re led by anger, feel confined to your environment, stuck in anxiety, etc.. you’re still stuck in a third dimensional plane of consciousness.
327 days ago•••
Reporting for duty 🫡
327 days ago•••
327 days ago•••
Some of ya’ll when you read my spiritual posts 😂🤍
327 days ago•••
Tune in, the veil is thin. Eliminate distractions; activate. ☀️🧬
327 days ago•••
A dimension refers to one’s location in space/time. Webster’s dictionary defines a dimension as “Magnitude measured in a particular direction, specifically length, breadth, thickness or time.”
Density denotes a vibrational frequency and not a location, which the term “dimension” implies.
The density structure of our reality is primarily expressed in seven levels, though each level has sub-levels (overtone) within it. The density scale is a model used to communicate one’s perception of orientation in relation to other realities.
There are an infinite number of dimensions existing within a given density or vibrational frequency.
Vibrational frequency is the rate at which body molecules or consciousness vibrate.
The understanding that everything in the Universe is energy and that all energy is at different levels of vibration and frequency, indicates that all planets and their inhabitants vibrate at different levels. https://v.nostr.build/RmwLv.mp4
Lauren of Light ☀️ replied 327 days ago
327 days ago•••
Dimensions are tiers of reality, with lower dimensions nested within higher ones. For example, the 3rd dimension, home to Earth, encompasses the first two dimensions. Each dimension consists of seven planes and 12 overtones per plane. It's believed Earth is moving through the 10th to 12th overtones of the 4th dimension, aiming to enter the 5th dimension.
The 1st Dimension signifies existence at a singular point, forming the foundation for atoms, molecules, and basic life forms like minerals and water, essential to genetic codes.
The 2nd Dimension represents linear existence and species identity without self-awareness, where most plants and animals reside.
The 3rd Dimension introduces depth and choice within the physical universe.
Transitioning to the 4th Dimension (4D) merges time and space, promoting unity and challenging negativity.
The 5th Dimension (5D) transcends time, focusing on collective identity and spiritual awakening.
The 6th Dimension (6D) embodies universal consciousness, with a focus on collective well-being.
The 7th Dimension (7D) integrates into a collective consciousness, evolving towards higher states.
The shift from 3D involves elevating personal vibration and embracing unconditional love, challenging conventional perceptions and encouraging a multi-dimensional understanding of life.
327 days ago•••
Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or may be thought to be. In its widest definition, reality includes everything that is and has been, whether or not it is observable or comprehensible.
Quite simply, reality is where our attention and focus remains for a specific amount of time. In essence, there is only one reality, but an infinite amount of ways to interpret it and experience it. Each person has an individual perception of reality therefore each individual perception is actually an entire Universe in and of itself.
There is a grand paradox that says: We are all individual expressions of ‘All that Is’ – yet we are all ONE.
Multidimensional awareness resides in the center of this paradox; maintaining an awareness of infinite possibilities; allowing all realities and all perceptions of reality. https://v.nostr.build/7GAdv.mp4
328 days ago•••
Bout that time of year🔥
Water fast: water + lemons + sol salts
328 days ago•••
Some people have to keep up with the frequency and some people are the frequency. A major difference.
329 days ago•••
We can be collectively speaking the same language and no one hears a word.
We can be separated by borders, thousands of miles, even years and have connections that defy odds.
In 2024, the words we use form contracts, yet most don’t see the contracts they’re signing.
A single word can forge alliance with a community, or it can start a war.
We have advanced technology 1000x this past century, in comparison to the centuries prior and yet we’re still not listening.
Upon shedding these contracts or agreements we’ve made with words were able to recognize the patterns. We start to tune in. We truly seek to understand. And it is here where we no longer detract from one’s value based upon the words they use.
We form connections, parallels, and see the similarities between stories. We uncover the root. The root is the fruit.
Only then can we bridge these gaps between people. Only then can we unite as a species. Only then can we walk among free men and women of the earth.
We are all one. Divided, we fall. United were free.
Be the light ☀️⚡️