38 minutes ago•••
Also let me know if you want a couple bitcoin homemade tallow soaps in the package. It is my sister Sarah's homemade soap. They are $10 each, but avoid shipping if they are in with syrup.
1 hour ago•••
I will be responding to messages tomorrow.
1 hour ago•••
I now have some syrup bottled and ready to sell, sats for syrup. Tomorrow I will be sending private messages to former cistomers others on my list. Prices are NOT going up from last year for NOSTR users. You can send me a message of what you want and Ill create an invoice, then tell me where to send it. Price list 1 qt. $27 2 qt. $47 3 qt. $68 1 half gal $45 2 half gal. $80 4 pt. $50 6 pt. $75 10 cup share box $80 nprofile1qqsx8zd7vjg70d5na8ek3m8g3lx3ghc8cp5d9sdm4epy0wd4aape6vspz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dsq32amnwvaz7tmhda6zumn0wd68ytnsv9e8g7g9pux3g
1 hour ago•••
i should so go to sleep
3 hours ago•••
4 hours ago•••
14 hours ago•••
18 hours ago•••
Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal. Step back. Zoom out. Appreciate what we have and where we are.
18 hours ago•••
You know what doesn't suck? Getting a full night's sleep and touching grass from time to time.
26 hours ago•••
I’m running a Nostr relay on a $6 per month VPS. It wouldn’t handle a lot of traffic (it is only for my own testing purposes) but Nostr relays can be run on relatively cost effective infrastructure.
2 days ago•••
GM Nostr! Have a great day! ☕️🥚🥓🫂