34 minutes ago•••
Still the best scene from Matrix, GFY! 🤣 https://v.nostr.build/4ZqsSWvpD8LZhTUO.mp4
48 minutes ago•••
Coffee is in, time to "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" 🤣🚀🧨 https://v.nostr.build/hDVs1LWbVd3nztN0.mp4
53 minutes ago•••
57 minutes ago•••
Coffee (or cofefe) time! LFG!🚀
57 minutes ago•••
Coffee (or cofefe) time! LFG!🚀
1 hour ago•••
I actually could not love Bitcoin and Nostr anymore than i already do. GN 🫡
The Fishcake🐶🐾 replied 1 hour ago
1 hour ago•••
Today i rowed, did upper body, some leg work and various weird stretches. I supplemented that with shitposting on Nostr. I live in balance 🙏
1 hour ago•••
My feed is kinda ded, need to follow new plebs to get more info and pics flowing! Whom to follow? 🫂👀
1 hour ago•••
At some point Clint Eastwood will die. That’s my childhood gone
1 hour ago•••
GM, fine people of the nostr world! Are ya winning? 😂🫂💜🚀☕️☕️☕️
1 hour ago•••
1 hour ago•••
I’m energised, we retraced and it feels like the good old times again. Pain lots of fucking pain. Bring more pain
BitcoinSandy replied 1 hour ago
2 hours ago•••
Americans voted for Trump because they want the BS over with. They want normality. Peace, prosperity and balance. Hopefully it starts to return but 200% it’s better than the transgender DEI criminal Pelosi Obama Clinton Warren blinken globalist neo Marxist dystopian BS we just had
2 hours ago•••
It’s so hard not to get drawn into this psyop goddam it !
2 hours ago•••
Boom over you little prick ! Corrupt Biden criminal regime is gone. Wake up
2 hours ago•••
Please don’t ever quote me what AI thinks on a subject, I’m not that f’ing braindead yet
2 hours ago•••
I think subconsciously I’m working towards the first Nostrbore award 😂
3 hours ago•••
Do I listen to nprofile1qqs2m82zyqlayjqw5tjuf3j9jwszwuy2a03tq24xp0tmr4nxm2jmprgpzdmhxue69uhhwmm59e6hg7r09ehkuef0wet0we on nprofile1qqswgz7v8cffy8kzxtlxv55w9wjatn2wq6ywf0aqswjgd2tlm2kuatcpr9mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctv9uqsuamnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dshsz9thwden5te0wfjkccte9ejxzmt4wvhxjme05uksmz at 5pm or go grab a beer. Decisions.
MAKE SONGS LONGER replied 3 hours ago
3 hours ago•••