10 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
Let me know if I understand this right. If I meme Ursula, Olaf or Schwachkopf Habeck I might get SWATed but if German media has these covers that's alright? I have to admit, I'm mildly confused πŸ˜•
28 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
18905d0a...9b08 replied 13 minutes ago
20 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
I hate to break the news but China already owns more Bitcoin than the White House, Saylor and the ETFs combined. A lot more.
49 minutes agoβ€’β€’β€’
1 hour agoβ€’β€’β€’
In Parks and Recreation, a kid vandalizes Leslie’s office. He paints over Hilary Clinton’s picture and makes her into the devil. Mainstream show with an anti government higher up (Ron Swanson) working for the government, lots of jabs at politicians and government inefficencies. And it’s extremely funny
2 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
2 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
2 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
Raised the weights during the shoulders and back training. Open lateral raise with 40lbs feels disrespectful πŸ˜‚
18905d0a...9b08 replied 2 hours ago
3 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
GM to everyone who remembers this book and ONLY them. I’m sorry.
7ed7d5c3...e200 replied 2 hours ago
3 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
Incredible work ethic 🀭
3 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
6 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
Me: I'm travelling today! My shower: Let me flood the bathroom for you before you leave. Me: Mothaf....
8 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
Strategic Silkroad Reserve. Thank you Ross!
8 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
GM #coffeechain β˜•πŸ’œπŸŒžσ …“σ …‘σ …£σ …˜σ …₯σ „²σ …Ÿσ „’σ „Άσ …€σ …”σ …σ …˜σ „ σ …”σ „Έσ „²σ …ͺσ „Ώσ …™σ „¨σ …¦σ …’σ …‡σ …œσ …₯σ …”σ „³σ „₯σ …šσ …’σ „’σ …œσ …₯σ …’σ „£σ „½σ …₯σ …‘σ …‡σ „©σ …˜σ …”σ …‡σ „Ύσ …ͺσ …‰σ …ˆσ …‚σ …˜σ …”σ „Ήσ „·σ …™σ …‰σ …‡σ …œσ „Ήσ „±σ „΅σ „©σ „¦σ „£σ …©σ …Ÿσ „΅σ „Ύσ …‡σ …¨σ …˜σ …“σ „Ήσ „Ώσ …›σ …‰σ …‡σ „΅σ „²σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ύσ „€σ …σ „΄σ …—σ …©σ …Šσ …σ „Ύσ …˜σ …‰σ …ͺσ …‰σ „ σ …‰σ …σ …σ „’σ „Ύσ …σ …‰σ …§σ …Šσ …‡σ „Ίσ …›σ …Šσ „΄σ …†σ …œσ „Ύσ …σ …‚σ …›σ „½σ …šσ „Ήσ …©σ „Ύσ „΄σ „΅σ …ͺσ „½σ „’σ …Šσ …™σ „½σ …šσ …†σ …˜σ „½σ „·σ …‰σ „ σ …Šσ …‡σ …σ …¨σ „Ώσ …„σ …‰σ „‘σ „Ώσ …‡σ „Ύσ …σ „Ύσ …ͺσ …Šσ …œσ …Šσ …σ ……σ „₯σ „½σ „΄σ …œσ …šσ …Šσ …‡σ „΅σ „€σ „Ύσ „·σ …‰σ …§σ „Ύσ …šσ …†σ …˜σ …‰σ „‘σ …—σ …˜σ „±σ …™σ …‘σ „½σ …šσ …›σ …‘σ „σ „ σ „₯σ …˜σ …¨σ … σ …žσ …‚σ „Ίσ „Όσ …˜σ „©σ „Ύσ …©σ „Ίσ …¦σ …€σ …₯σ …¦σ … σ „΄σ „©σ „¨σ …œσ …›σ …†σ …‰σ „Ώσ …–σ …šσ …„σ …’σ …›σ …©σ …šσ „©σ …‚σ …‰σ …‡σ …ƒσ …šσ …‰σ …‡σ …†σ …‰σ „Ήσ „½σ „Άσ „Ώσ „’σ „§σ „¨σ …σ „΄σ „©σ … σ …‘σ …›σ …ƒσ „΄σ „Ύσ …‚σ „½σ „΅σ …šσ …™σ „΅σ „’σ „§σ …₯σ …Ÿσ „’σ „½σ „·σ …‡σ …ͺ󠄦σ …ͺσ „¨σ „»σ …™σ …σ „©σ „Έσ …¨σ …„σ „¨σ „Όσ „‘σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ύσ …‰σ „Ήσ „²σ …‘σ „΅σ „»σ …ͺσ …’σ …σ …•σ …†σ „€σ …‘σ „Ώσ „΅σ „Έσ …“σ „‘σ …œσ …’σ „Όσ …†σ „’σ …©σ „³σ …žσ …šσ …‘σ …”σ „Όσ „©σ …§σ …σ „¦σ …†σ „’σ …”σ …’σ …žσ „±σ …‚σ …₯σ „Άσ …’σ …©σ …‰σ …ˆσ „Ίσ …‰σ „Ήσ …€σ „€σ …£σ …ˆσ „Όσ …‡σ ……σ „Έσ …™σ …žσ …’σ „Ήσ …€σ …¨σ „³σ „¨σ „€σ …”σ …Ÿσ „©σ …¨σ …¨σ …”σ …’σ …‚σ …σ …†σ „Ώσ „΄σ …šσ … σ …†σ …§σ „·σ …†σ „±σ …¨σ „€σ „’σ „©σ „΄σ „ σ …–σ … σ „·σ „Άσ …˜σ „²σ „·σ „Άσ …ͺσ …•σ „΅σ „±σ „’σ „Ώσ …„σ …“σ „€σ „½σ „΄σ „²σ …™σ …‰σ …ͺσ …‰σ „€σ „½σ …šσ ……σ …ͺσ „Ύσ …ͺ󠄲󠅝󠅉󠄒󠄽σ „₯σ …‰σ …šσ …“σ „£σ …‰σ „’σ …†σ …›σ „½σ …ͺ󠄱󠄑󠄾󠄷󠄺󠅝󠄽󠄷󠄹󠅩󠄽󠅄󠅓󠄀󠅉σ …ͺσ „±σ „’σ „½σ …„σ „Ήσ …¨σ „Ύσ „΄σ „Ύσ …™σ „Ώσ „΄σ …˜σ …šσ „Ώσ „΄σ „Ήσ „₯σ „½σ …‡σ „½σ …¨σ „½σ …ͺσ „Ήσ „ σ „Ύσ …ͺ󠄽󠅧󠄽󠅝󠅂󠅝󠅉󠅇󠄾󠅉󠄹󠅁󠄹󠅁󠅣󠄧󠅛󠄲󠄹󠅑󠅧󠅗󠄣󠄢󠅄󠅔σ …ͺσ …¦σ …ƒσ „’σ „£σ „¨σ …™σ …£σ „Άσ „£σ „΅σ „Άσ „Όσ „©σ „·σ „¦σ …£σ „©σ …™σ …•σ …‡σ ……σ …—σ „Ώσ …žσ „£σ … σ …’σ „±σ …‡σ „Άσ …›σ …Ÿσ „’σ „Άσ …œσ …‡σ „³σ „³σ „‘σ …₯σ …žσ …€σ …€σ „¦σ „Ίσ …•σ …¨σ …σ „Άσ …›σ „΅σ …§σ …˜σ …Ÿσ …€σ „±σ …€σ …šσ …Šσ „¦σ …„σ … σ „Ίσ …„σ „€σ …ˆσ „£σ …σ …©σ …§σ …ˆσ „ σ „΄σ …ˆσ „Άσ „΄σ …„σ …–σ …žσ …Ÿσ „·σ „Άσ …ͺσ …‡σ „³σ „²σ „Ίσ „’σ „€σ ……σ …—σ …†σ … σ …¨σ …šσ …ƒσ „€σ „§σ …σ …†σ „΅σ …¦σ …‡σ …¦σ …šσ …σ …–σ …€σ …ˆσ ……σ „΄σ …”σ „Άσ …‚σ …‰σ …„σ „Ήσ „²σ „²σ …£σ …˜σ „Έσ „½σ …Ÿσ „΄σ „¨σ „¦σ …šσ „’σ „Άσ …©σ …‡σ „³σ „³σ „¨σ …€σ …σ …›σ „¦σ „§σ …¦σ „©σ …ͺσ „Ύσ …’σ „΄σ „Ήσ …€σ …ͺσ …ͺσ …žσ „»σ …£σ …†σ …’σ …§σ „Ίσ „²σ …¨σ …–σ …–σ …ˆσ „‘σ „’σ …₯σ …”σ „Άσ „’σ „½σ …σ …ˆσ …™σ „Ύσ „²σ …ˆσ „©σ „»σ …‚σ …˜σ …‰σ …‚σ „²σ …˜σ …“σ „£σ …˜σ „±σ …Šσ „΄σ „΅σ …©σ „½σ …ͺσ „Άσ …˜σ „½σ „·σ …σ „€σ …‰σ …ͺσ „Ήσ …©σ „Ύσ „΄σ …›σ …§σ „Ώσ …„σ …œσ …›σ „Ύσ „’σ ……σ …ͺσ …Šσ …σ …σ …©σ „Ύσ …σ „Ήσ „ σ „Ύσ „·σ …σ „€σ …Šσ „΄σ …›σ …¨σ „Ύσ …ͺσ ……σ …©σ …‰σ …‡σ „½σ „ σ „Ύσ „΄σ …—σ „‘σ …Šσ …‡σ …Šσ …›σ „½σ …ͺσ „±σ …©σ „½σ „’σ …σ „’σ …Šσ …‡σ „΅σ „€σ …Šσ …„σ …‰σ „€σ „½σ „·σ ……σ …§σ „Ύσ „΄σ „Άσ …σ „Ύσ …σ „Άσ …šσ …‡σ „³σ „΅σ „΄σ …‘σ ……σ „₯σ „²σ …ͺσ „Ίσ „’σ …–σ …™σ …₯σ „Έσ „©σ „Έσ „©σ „Έσ „€σ …•σ „Έσ …’σ „₯σ „₯󠄠󠄀󠄹󠅇󠄦󠅒󠅃󠄷󠅔󠅑󠄒󠄼󠅏󠄳σ „₯σ …˜σ …‘σ „σ …ƒσ ……σ …’σ …†σ …˜σ …Šσ „»σ „Ύσ …˜σ …Šσ …†σ …—σ …—σ …„σ …›σ …¦σ „£σ „²σ „²σ „Όσ …©σ …‚σ „Ύσ „±σ …§σ …σ „¨σ …§σ „Έσ „΄σ „»σ …σ …™σ …§σ …†σ „±σ …‰σ „Ήσ …›σ …¦σ „Άσ „Έσ …˜σ „Ίσ …‘σ …‘σ …•σ …‰σ …‰σ „Έσ „¦σ „Ύσ …‘σ …›σ …©σ „Άσ …˜σ …“σ „‘σ …—σ …—σ „΄σ …σ „σ „Όσ „Ύσ …˜σ …₯σ „‘σ „΄σ „»σ ……σ „ σ „Ήσ …„σ „Ώσ …‘σ …‘σ …‚σ …™σ „¨σ …‘σ …žσ …˜σ …‡σ …˜σ „Έσ …‘σ „©σ „₯σ „€σ „©σ …’σ …£σ …ˆσ …‘σ …€σ …¨σ „Ώσ …¨σ …‰σ „‘σ …œσ …†σ …˜σ …“σ …œσ …—σ …—σ „Άσ …‘σ „¦σ „½σ …’σ …‘σ …šσ „²σ …©σ …ƒσ „ σ …‘σ … σ …†σ „£σ …‰σ ……σ ……σ …σ …ͺσ „§σ …žσ …£σ „½σ „₯σ „©σ „Ήσ „§σ …σ …’σ …£σ …ƒσ „Ύσ …†σ „’σ …˜σ „‘σ „Ίσ …˜σ …’σ …†σ „»σ …›
16 hours agoβ€’β€’β€’
I remember having conversations with friends who said "if it's that big of an idea, wouldn't governments find a way to stop it."
It was very hard to argue the point to someone with zero hours in bitcoin
Now we have the US government with an executive order re bitcoin and a crypto summit at the White House tomorrow
And some bitcoiners are still bitching