3 hours ago•••
Of course it's pouring ass rain and all around shit weather the night the husband is coming home ☹️
21 hours ago•••
Not having high hopes for sleep tonight, so I put on the comfort show. #startrek #tng #nerdalert
22 hours ago•••
Pretty sure I just heard the kid sneak out of his room...probably for a cheese stick since I told him no before bed... #kidstr
30 hours ago•••
When you're sleep deprived and forget you have a dog then see it out of the corner of your eye...I was ready to send the kid running from the snake by the back door. 😂😂 #babycomeback
2 days ago•••
Collecting tisms like Pokemon... I choose you OCD!!!
2 days ago•••
Not the #nostrhero we're looking for, but the one I got 😆 Sometimes the kid builds random lego me at just the right time.
2 days ago•••
The coffee just isn't as good when I have to make it myself...but I do get more. #coffeechain #tradeoffs
3 days ago•••
I've been trying to go to sleep for like 3 hours, I can't sleep without the breathing next to me. I don't see myself being one of the "I can't wait for separate beds" people. Why are you with the person???? #marriagestr #ineedtohearthebreathing #ilikemyspouse #whycantijustfallasleep