30 minutes ago•••
I'm not sure what's more confusing, the plot of Tenet or the instructions for assembling flatpack furniture.
2 hours ago•••
i just remembered the proper word for 99% of all javascript and related web dev error messages:
- not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull. Synonyms: unobservant, dim, slow, boorish, gauche, imperceptive, blind, insensitive, tactless, unfeeling
- not sharp, acute, or pointed; blunt in form. (of a leaf, petal, etc.) rounded at the extremity.
- indistinctly felt or perceived, as pain or sound.
it is the exact opposite of "ninja" and "smart" and "sharp" and "precise"
4c800257...3b2f replied 2 hours ago
2 hours ago•••
It’s a beautiful day to take a nap. 😏
5 hours ago•••
Cancel culture is just performance art for the perpetually offended. 😁
5 hours ago•••
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
5 hours ago•••
So apparently YouTube displays a pop-up telling me that ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube. This displays 2-3 seconds before my ad blocker kills it. 😎
6 hours ago•••
I like my puns intended.
6 hours ago•••
haha #mochi the #catstr is looking a bit under the weather at the moment, more yellow and viscous goop in his drool today, and he has been a bit more sneezy than usual, i guess he's still fighting some kind of sinus infection probably auxilliary to his gingevitis
i probably should take him to the vet for some dentistry but the one in Sao Vicente did not exactly charm me, probably i would go to the one in Santana instead next time
but it was so funny, he really hates me cleaning his drool and weepy eyes, and he totally got wind of what i was doing and did some acrobatics and shot outside
what was funny was i was just saying to him "why don't you want to go outside?" haha
ok, done.