Uncomfortable truth - the mountain air of central Europe (including pristine mountains of Italy, Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland is no more).
You'd be better of in areas commonly believed to be dirty, such as South America. Way better. Where did EU's politics based environmental solutions go wrong. Btw the image is year round average and the source is European Union. You can literally go to "dirty" Asia (many parts) for cleaner air.
Na China, ao invez de rebocar veículos estacionados ilegalmente, o robô valet, um carrinho compacto e com extensores que seguram as rodas dos carros, os estaciona no local de estacionamento legal mais próximo.
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, O. Jones (UK ATC), G. De Marchi (ESTEC), and M. Meixner (USRA), with image processing by A. Pagan (STScI), N. Habel (USRA), L. Lenkic (USRA) and L. Chu (NASA/Ames)
One of my projects was mirroring the OAPEN (Open-Access Materials) library collection, and all the ones it made sense to, I have, with over 28,000 books and 4,800 chapters from journals. It still has some metadata settling to do, but go enjoy them: