2 hours ago•••
Told my 11 year old son I’d buy him a Ford Explorer when bitcoin hits $10M and now he’s watching the bitcoin price on timechainstats.com and complaining that the price is going down 😂😂😂
2 hours ago•••
I just wanted to nostr-post a Twitter-post of a nostr-post 🤙
4 hours ago•••
“Sell the news” is only relevant if you’re a high-time preference trader.
Real ones know to HODL, save in Bitcoin, and focus on your craft.
6 hours ago•••
Lord of the Rings as an 80s family sitcom
[🎞️ Saga Lore AI]
11 hours ago•••
Mysterious 'interstellar tunnel' found in our local pocket of space.
Astronomers have created a detailed 3D map of the Local Hot Bubble (LHB), a vast region of hot, low-density gas surrounding our Solar System, using data from the eROSITA X-ray telescope.
This bubble, spanning hundreds of light-years, is believed to have been carved out by a series of ancient supernova explosions millions of years ago, which cleared out dense interstellar material and left behind a cavity filled with million-degree plasma.
The new map reveals that the LHB is not a perfect sphere but an asymmetrical structure, with a surprising feature: a mysterious "tunnel" extending toward the constellation Centaurus.
This tunnel could be a pathway connecting the LHB to other similar bubbles in the Milky Way, suggesting a network of interstellar cavities. Researchers propose that these interconnected regions might play a role in star formation or the transport of cosmic material. The discovery deepens our understanding of our cosmic neighborhood and its dynamic history.
[Michael C. H. Yeung et al, The SRG/eROSITA diffuse soft X-ray background, The local hot bubble in the western Galactic hemisphere, 2025, Astronomy & Astrophysics]
12 hours ago•••
Part of why dudes are drawn to video games is the pristine, untamed natural landscapes in which they inhabit. https://m.primal.net/PVxO.mov
12 hours ago•••
What is the biggest zap you have sent on #Nostr🤔. I once paid a 50,000 sat invoice when I was drunk🙄😂.
15 hours ago•••
Did you know?
There’s a massive library in Minecraft populated with uncensored articles, journals, and information from all over the world. It’s accessible worldwide and offers a unique opportunity to people in censored countries to view uncensored texts.
15 hours ago•••
15 hours ago•••
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too short and achieving our mark.
— Michelangelo
550 years later, the world is still thankful!
16 hours ago•••
23 hours ago•••
https://open.spotify.com/track/77zWI6VOgS46jxiMKZgoR8 I have a specific dance that I do to this tune, it's quite hard to do but i can pull it off live, for sats🥳. Hey nprofile1qqsdua0tr4axvfuq02xl7ranxl8u7xy706d032mz98mg3anywyxrq9qpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsz9nhwden5te0wahhgtnwdaehgu3wwpshyare9uq3jamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwwdhx7un59eek7cmfv9kz7lm59dy, this is David Holmezzzzzzzz🫡😎🙏🏻🙋🏻‍♂️🫂🥳™️
24 hours ago•••
https://open.spotify.com/track/5w1ingzqrsJka9nlnEFB64 Chilling right the fuck out, here🙏🏻🎩.
d0708145...1fb6 replied 24 hours ago
26 hours ago•••
26 hours ago•••
#Bitcoin is for low T weirdo's. Arguments against below please⬇️....
26 hours ago•••
A water pipe burst and freezing temperatures have created a towering ice formation in southern Russia, drawing crowds of local tourists.
27 hours ago•••
This immune cell soldier (yellow) fights a highly aggressive cancer cell (magenta).
[📹 Slaats Jeroen]