npub1ymt...pxnz/29 days ago/
just now•••
1 minute ago•••
13 minutes ago•••
I would like primal, if primal liked me.
59d2f822...8b5e replied 4 minutes ago
5 minutes ago•••
Ahhh the sweet sound of thermal printer 🖨️ https://m.primal.net/PEuQ.mov
5 minutes ago•••
100k sats どこ
6 minutes ago•••
6 minutes ago•••
児発管取っても休みがちなら意味無くないという 非常勤の児発管って需要あんのかな
7 minutes ago•••
LMAO Big if true 😜
16 minutes ago•••
everyone is gonna buy drugs from u for sure
7 minutes ago•••
9 minutes ago•••
9 minutes ago•••
9 minutes ago•••
when you run arch........
9 minutes ago•••
10 minutes ago•••
11 minutes ago•••
11 minutes ago•••
12 minutes ago•••
12 minutes ago•••
Rage limiting is zen af
22 minutes ago•••
Love it, sounds cool. Would like to have a look at the code. This could be a tool that anybody with a cheap server and a domain could run to host LN addresses for their service etc. maybe could even hard code the mint if it's run by the mint operator themselves.
One thing that could be challenging is the polling for the quote state. nprofile1qqsdmup6e2z6mcpeue6z6kl08he49hcen5xnrc3tnpvw0mdgtjemh0spyfmhxue69uhkummnw3ez6an9wf5kv6t9vsh8wetvd3hhyer9wghxuet5qyvhwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnrv4exxct5wfhhvcfwd4jsz8rhwden5te0dehhxarj9e3xjarrda5kuetj9eek7cmfv9kq3n26p2 has recently struggled with rage limiting of that.
Oh. Mints also have websockets for live updates btw.
13 minutes ago•••
I need a place in Arizona for about a month next winter.
Any bitcoiners have a place or any recommendations?
29 days ago•••
Trying to quit Nicotine again today 🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢
29 days ago•••
Zyn doesn’t count
28 days ago•••
Never tried it 😂
29 days ago•••
There is no Try only Do 🫡 3 weeks here now, if you still smoke herb it is almost impossible to my experience 😂 GL though ✌️
28 days ago•••
Still smoke weed, no nicotine
28 days ago•••
✌️ you got this ! 😄
28 days ago•••
29 days ago•••
Good luck! You got this friend 1 hour at a time. Try and occupy your mind with something else
28 days ago•••
Thank goodness for the loom 🫂😂
29 days ago•••
Break out the beads!!! Idle hands and whatnot 🫂🫂
29 days ago•••
Yeah I’m gonna shower and get heading. Also gonna see wicked today so that will be rad
29 days ago•••
Ooo enjoy!
29 days ago•••
Would love to know what you think of it! Saw it before Xmas and was interesting. Somehow not what I expected but I liked it
28 days ago•••
I loveeeeed it. Cried and sang the whole time. It was definitely different from the original which I remember seeing live back in the day, but still awesome.
27 days ago•••
how's it going over there?
27 days ago•••
When you feel like having one, remember a reason why you quit and break it in half
28 days ago•••
28 days ago•••
I have it! I’ve read it too. Probably will read it again soon 🫂
28 days ago•••
All I know is it worked for my X Good luck you can do it
28 days ago•••
You can do it!!
28 days ago•••
I'm not trying 🍷
28 days ago•••
Tehehe must be nice. I’m gonna be a healthy ass bitch before you know itttt
29 days ago•••
Micro doses of nicotine are supposed to be good for you according to scientific studies. The problem is what they call tobacco, which is just a bunch of chemicals in death stick format.
28 days ago•••
I’m more of a macrodose or nothing type of girl 😂🫂
29 days ago•••
Good luck! I didn’t shit for a week straight when I tried 🥴 crazy all the effects it has on the body.
28 days ago•••
It really has just taken over my life (the cravings)
28 days ago•••
not everyone has a grand puzzle master just feet from them all day. I to would have issues too
28 days ago•••
29 days ago•••
Awesome move! As an ex smoker myself I'll say quitting was one of the best decisions of my life (though starting was probably one of the worst so I guess it balances out lol). Remember you have never and will never "need" nicotine. It's just a lie our addicted minds tell us. We never needed nicotine before we started.
A book I read that I give all the credit for me quitting puts it like this: "The only reason a smoker smokes is to feel again like a non-smoker." We smoke to feel briefly "normal" but it only puts us in a vicious cycle.
28 days ago•••
I logically understand this pretty well. My impulsive more Darwinian self still has trouble 😂🫂
29 days ago•••
I’ve quit a lot of things in my life. Drinking. Gambling. Nicotine. Nicotine was by far the hardest. After 20 years of dipping, it was about as natural to me as breathing. It is SO freeing to not be a slave to my next nicotine fix. I actually had to use AA principles to actually do it. But it is doable. And worth it. Good luck.
28 days ago•••
Yup. I’ve quit a lot of harder things and spent a lot of time in the N.A. and AA rooms, but nicotine is next level. I basically need a straight jacket 😂🫂
29 days ago•••
best of luck!
29 days ago•••
Tysm. I will gladly take the extra luck 🫂
29 days ago•••
Cigarettes or nicotine pouches?
29 days ago•••
Vaping right now
29 days ago•••
Better than Vaping - IMO
29 days ago•••
There was a large portion of your life where you didn’t need nicotine because you never experienced nicotine. You don’t need it now either. Your brain is telling you that you do, but you didn’t before, and you don’t now. A battle against yourself that you can 100% win if you choose to. Worth the pursuit. You can do it.
29 days ago•••
Isn’t that wild? I’ve been smoking and or vaping for so long I’ve like forgotten what it felt like. The cravings are intense
29 days ago•••
They are really really intense and I’ve seen many friends struggle with the juul back in the day.
But you can do it. It sounds like you’ve tried before. Keep picking yourself up. You have to master one hour at a time, not 10 years all at once. Developing small wins gives you momentum so you aren’t demoralized at such an enormous challenge. You’ll cave a bunch of times but please remember this:
If you hit your vape 100 times a day, 99 times tomorrow is progress. 1% better a day. If you take 1 less hit a day, you’re 33% better by the end of the month. If your aim is to truly quit, you must create robust sustainable solutions to aid you along the way.. Small achievable steps. You can do it! Sorry for the shpiel but self-improvement is real important to me.
28 days ago•••
Kind of needed to hear this. Yesterday I had like 3 mini relapses, but technically I still reduced my intake by like 95% so I’m just gonna continue trying to beat yesterdays’ score ya know? 🫂
29 days ago•••
only quitters quit
29 days ago•••
“No. Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.”
- Yoda
29 days ago•••
Well it is true if you’re only counting the last hour😂 technically I already quit, but I just ate and am triggered 🫂
29 days ago•••
😂 You got this.
29 days ago•••
I better. I don’t wanna be back here next week with my tail between my legs again
28 days ago•••
read this. I read his stop drinking alcohol book, and I have successfully quit drinking for 2 years and 3 months so far.
I tried 3~5 times before, failed every time, longest was 2 months.
28 days ago•••
I have that 🫂😂 will try again
29 days ago•••
None of us want that.
29 days ago•••
you can do it!!
29 days ago•••
I think so 😂
29 days ago•••
You aren't trying, you are quitting today 🦾
29 days ago•••
It’s the past failures that have be confused, but I really really want this and gave all my shit to my husband so I have no access
29 days ago•••
Strength & honor 🫂
29 days ago•••
I’m gonna be so psyched if this works 🫂
29 days ago•••
It will make you ghey
29 days ago•••
Quitting ?
29 days ago•••
29 days ago•••
You got this!
29 days ago•••
I’m over an hour now and like pacing around 😂🫂